Stories of a Party Rock Animal: Body Shots - Part 1

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The elevator door opened. A guy around early 30's stood there and waited for the passengers to alight before he came inside the lift. I rushed into it and squeezed my slim body inside making me trip on the gym bag that I'm carrying. My chest almost touched the guy's body but good thing I stretched out my arms on his shoulders for support.

"Uhm, sorry.. I'm just in a hurry" I said, and I felt my cheeks blushed crimson.

"No problem, just be careful next time." The guy replied. He's tall and manly, but gave me the "suplado" vibe. The elevator door closed totally and I was about to press the level "10" button but it's already on. "Hmmm we are staying on the same floor. How convenient." I said. He looked like he came from a jog by the look of his sweat-drenched shirt plus he's carrying a water bottle. Me, on the other hand is wearing a sports bra underneath a loose tank top and matching yoga pants. Our eyes met and I smiled at him.

"Work out day, isn't it?" he asked, and I nodded with a smile. "Fu ck! This guy is hot." I told myself. Maybe we can have a "work-out" together one of these days.

"Ting!" the elevator door opened and I went out first. "Geez, I forgot something downstairs--" he said as he scratched his head. "Hmm. See you around!" I waved at him and the door closed. I wondered which unit he is staying as opened my apartment door.

I went straight to the kitchen, opened my fridge and took a bottle of orange juice. I gulped straight from the bottle. I went inside my room and checked my phone. It has 20 unread messages in my WhatsApp-- it was from a group message from my girls with subject titled as "10pm @ 7th High" followed by some other messages why I am not replying back. "Went to the gym, see you bitches later." I replied to them.

It was only 8pm so I thought that I still have enough time. I grabbed the packet of my Marlboro Ice Blast and my lighter on my bedside table and headed to the balcony. I looked around, there were 8 balconies lined up and all of them are empty except from the one on my right. The door was open and the light from the inside illuminates the balcony floor. I took a puff and gulped the remaining orange juice from the bottle.

"It's not really a good habit smoking right after your work-out!" I almost jumped upon hearing that familiar voice. I looked at the balcony on my right and lo and behold! It was the same guy in the elevator. "Hey! So you're actually my neighbor." I shouted back at him. "Unfortunately, yes." He chuckled. "My name's Marco by the way. And you are?"

"I'm Ishy. Nice meeting you."

"Great. You just transferred here? Because this is the first time I saw you" He asked.

"I just moved in two weeks ago." I said.

"Oh, that makes sense. I've been away for two weeks and I just arrived last night." He shouted back.

"Hmmm yeah. Anyways, nice meeting you again but I got to go. See you around Marco!"

I came inside my apartment and made myself a sandwich for dinner then I took a shower. It's already 9pm. I blow dried my hair, applied a setting lotion then curled them. I put on my make up and dressed up for the night.

I arrived at 7th High around 10:15pm. My friends were already there and they all looked pretty. We entered the place and headed to the table that my friend Lisa booked ahead. We ordered our drinks and started chit-chatting. Around 11:30pm we started grooving in the dancefloor. It's already packed but we were having so much fun. I felt a bit tipsy after 3 orders of Margarita. One of my friends has started hooking up with an American guy and left the 4 of us in the dancefloor.

We took a quick break from dancing and went back to our table and started ordering tequila shots. Around 2am all of us were already giddy so we decided to go home instead. I went to the ladies room for a quick fix. "Hmmm still looking okay, just a bit wasted." I told myself.

I headed to the lift and pressed the button. I waited for around 5 minutes when the door opened. Just right after I came in, Marco also stepped in and flashed a smile at me. "It's you again!" He said.

"Uhm yeah, obviously." I joked.

"Looks like somebody is drunk here" he said as he examined my face.

"Uhm a little tipsy, Yes. But definitely not drunk." I replied with a flirty look.

"I see. I was thinking maybe you would like to hang out for a while, just chat and stuff--"

"Ting!" He got cut off by the opening elevator door.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Past 2:30am" Marco said. "It's weekend so maybe, no harm in waking up later than the usual, unless you have plans tomorrow then, I will not insist." He continued.

I feigned nervousness as he spoke, but at the same time I am excited by the thought that this guy is asking if we could hang out.

"Ok then... Uhm where do you want to hang out, your place or mine?" My voice raspy yet flirty.

"Can I have a look at your place?" He walked ahead to my door.

"Be my guest then, Mister!" I rummaged my pouch for the door keys then I opened the door. "Go on, make yourself comfortable."

Marco looked down on me with a smile as he swept past me. I felt his arms brushed onto my breasts. I am wearing a black tube mini dress and I felt my nipple harden at his gesture. Marco walked over to the mini bar that I have opposite the dining table.

"Fancy for some more drinks? I have Cuervo, Absolut, Bacardi, & Jack Daniels that you can choose from." I asked.

"Woah! You have your cupboard handy in times like these. Girl scout?"

"You bet I am!" I smirked at him.

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