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 Thunder clapped above them, and lightning struck the mast, the crow's nest being set aflame instantly. Wave after wave crashed against all the sides of the ship, washing away the rum crates along with the unsteady sailors. The ship rocked heavily, each step he took like those of a drunkard, as he made his way towards the helm. The boom of cannons could barely be heard over the storm, and the splintering wood blown off the poop deck had lodged itself into the captain's belly.

The Commodore's clothes were black with the mixture of water and blood. It was all he could do to not panic as he crouched next to the officer and put pressure on the wound. The man's breathing was ragged, and his eyes unfocused, as he lifted a hand and spoke with a dry rasp.

"It's too late for me, my boy." Slowly, he lifted his necklace and placed it in the boy's hands. "You are the captain of this vessel now. Protect your men." His rasp turned into a bloody cough which soon stopped all together.

He pried his hands out of the Commodore's and stared at the medallion for a second before throwing it around his neck and closing the foggy eyes staring up at him. With newfound determination, he ran to the front of the main deck, leaning over the banister and shouted.

"The Commodore is dead! We surrender! We surrender!" Over and over he shouted until all his men had dropped their weapons with their arms raised. The pirates cheered and pushed them into a line on the main deck. Soon, they quieted down when the slow steps began. A path cleared as the Captain walked towards us, leaving us speechlessly confused.

The Legendary Captain Gaspar stood before us, our faces pale in comparison to her golden, honey brown glow. The ship rocked, but she bent her knees with the waves, balanced and unmoving. Her hair wild and windblown under her tricorn hat. Her coat flowed with the subsided wind, revealing the sharp rapier at her side, the Royal Navy's emblem on the hilt. A prize no doubt.

"Who is the captain of this vessel?" She asked in a low voice, somehow quieting the thunder and waves around them as her eyes swept over all of the sailors. Ocean blue eyes with speckled white, like the stars.

With the slightest of hesitation, he stepped forward, grasping the medallion in an effort to keep his hands from shaking and failing miserably. She walked down the steps of the ship and stopped before him, her scrutinizing gaze drinking up everything she could find. "Aren't you a little young to be a Commodore?" She asked, the slightest of a spanish accent flowing past her smirked lips.

"The Commodore died by a rogue splinter to the belly by one of your cannons. His last words were to keep his men- my men alive." His voice gruff from yelling over the calmed storm. Dark blue skies cleared of the clouds, and the waves created nothing more than a tilt.

"Hm... Do you know who I am?" She began circling around him.

"Captain Gaspar. Most feared pirate in the Atlantic?' He said, hoping he was mistaken but knew by the medallion around her own neck, that there was no error.

"Correct." His heart sank down to his stomach. "Notice anything unusual about me?" She leaned in closer and fluttered her lashes, so close he could smell the lingering jasmine in her black hair.

"You're a woman?" His voice cracked and he cursed it.

"So you've noticed!" She spun on her feet, walking back to her original spot before looking at his men once again. "You've all noticed, yes?" To emphasize, she tore open the top button of her blouse, revealing her plump bosom. The men nodded, some even daring to whistle at the deadly captain. With a satisfied smile she unsheathed her sword, it's thin blade glinting in darkness. "Then you understand why I can't let you live."

He was only left with a second to see her smile turned predatory before the glinting sword became the last thing he'd ever feel. 


Don't yell at me I was bored and had an idea. I look out the window during math and it's a waterfront school so don't hate me bc I really wanted to try this and yeah sorry. 

Love you guys!!

~Alice <3

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