Foster walked into the room with his hands clasped behind his back. To say he was nervous was an understatement. Meeting Gaspar, though an honor, was something no trader, pirate, soldier, sailor, or anyone of any profession, would like to experience. It was dangerous territory, for sure, and many never left the house after entering passed the threshold.
It looked like the homes of rich merchants he'd met in France, with gorgeously embroidered cushions and dark wood chairs. Curtains covered the large windows, flowing with the slight breeze. A tea set was placed on a silver tray on the coffee table, the smell of jasmine lingering in the air. He walked around the room, observing the works of art on the walls, one specifically caught his eye. A woman facing the water on a ship made of red. The black water roaring before her as she calmly brushed her hair aside.
"Beautiful isn't it." Foster swerved, his heart pumping in fear before fully noticing the beautiful woman before him. He hadn't heard her come in, and her steps were non-existent as she neared him. "It's one of Gaspar's favorites."
She wore a blue dress reaching down to her heels, making the blue in her eyes stand out even more against her olive complexion. Her hair wasn't pinned up like the traditional styles but let along her shoulders. The corset was tight around her chest but not too tight as to seem abnormally large.
"It is incredible, yes." Though his eyes remained on her. "Foster Moreau," he bowed dramatically before her swinging out his arm. "And you are?"
"Gaspar's right hand." The amused smirk on her lips grew at the surprise on his face.
"A woman as a right hand? Unheard of."
"Do not be discouraged. Gaspar only handles the best, regardless of gender." She walked to the tea set and sat down. "Which bring me to our meeting today."
She hadn't given a name, he noticed. But the Spanish accent she held gave enough away to understand. Perhaps she was a daughter or a niece. A wife, perhaps. Though it did not matter, because if she was in the home of Gaspar, then she was deemed important enough to listen too. So he sat down across from her, taking the cup of tea.
"As you know, Roger Ridout was captured by the Royal Navy, so Gaspar is in need of a new trader." She calmly took a sip of her drink, taking her time to savor the taste before continuing. "You fit the criteria he is looking for and would like to offer you a deal."
"What sort of deal are we speaking of?" He leaned an arm on the chair, gripping his chin in focus as he tried hard not to let his eyes drift away. Insulting a woman of Gaspar meant his head, he knew for sure considering the expensive embroidering on her dress.
"You inherit Roger's trade routes and continue your regular trade. But along with that, you will begin selling our contraband which will be hidden in the hold and hull. We have a book with all the information of who to meet and what to sell for how much which you will copy then burn once memorized."
"Roger's trade routes encounter the Royal Navy too often, it's a death trap." He sat his tea back on the tray.
"Which is why you will use an alias and have a permit. We already have one ready for you, by the name of Gordon Himman. We have ships recognized by the Royal Navy as merchant ships, which means they'll ignore you. You'd have to give up your ship during your trades, but nonetheless, I feel you'll enjoy the ones I have for you." She smiled into her drink.
"I can assure your safety, and I can assure you money. The same scheme has been our procedure for years, and the only reason Roger was captured was because he was greedy and careless. With the agreement of our terms, you will receive all of Roger's old properties save for ship and crew. Those you will get your own. All we require is 80% of your contraband earnings. Property and trade earnings are yours to keep as long as you keep your charges fair. Pirates need a home as well, and being kicked out would only cause problems."
The money was incredible. He'd get the fastest trade route on the ocean, need not sneak around anymore with the permit, properties as well as an extra 20% of income. It was an incredible deal, too good to be true. With narrowed eyes, he told her as such.
"Well, of course, there are small tasks that we'd like you to fulfill, such as a messenger. And full disclosure as well. If my being his right hand got out, surely there'd be a mutiny and Gaspar would have no choice but to inform the Royal Navy of Pirate's Gulf. Of course, if it is kept secret, then all parties involved are happy. And the job alone does have it's dangers, so insurance is always needed."
It was still too good to be true, he knew. But he needed the money. He was new to the trading world and was a liability to the older traders. He didn't know the ins and outs of the market, and working for Gaspar would give him the pass he needed for his work. It was like she knew what he decided before he told her because she pulled out a contract from under the coffee table along with ink and a quill. Skimming over the paper, he was shocked to see his name already in the contract along with Gaspar's last name and all the conditions the woman had already told him. At the bottom, in fine black ink, was a cursive RG. A disclosure clause had been added at the bottom, that anything he learned within the contents of the house were never to leave it, and if it did, he'd be the one to die for it.
With one last glance at the woman, he dipped the quill in the ink and signed his name. The woman stood up and shook his hand. "Congratulations, Foster, you're part of his crew."
"If you don't mind, I think I'd like to meet the man I'm working for." He tried to fix the already done buttons on his coat, nervousness eating at him.
"All in due time, Foster. Prove your loyalty to him and me, and you will be greatly rewarded." She told him in a low, sensual voice. Not a wife, then. "Jack." The burly man slammed the doors open, walking in with an invincible stride. Foster's eyes widened at the man and he involuntarily took a step back. "Show Mr. Moreau the books and ships. He's joined the crew." The crewman only nodded before walking out the door. Foster looked toward the woman.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" With wide eyes he ran after Jack, leaving the beautiful woman laughing behind.
PertualanganHighest Rank: #10 in Adventure ======================================================================= Captain Gaspar is the most feared pirate in the world. He spends his days making trouble for the English militia. As the most bloodthirsty p...