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Renas POV

The entire time during our morning group meeting I was uncomfortable. I shifted under Calums cold, hard stare. I couldn't even focus on what Harley was saying because I was too busy trying to break into Calums mind. His thoughts were going too fast for me to focus on just one.

It wasn't till I noticed the rest of the group stand up and start to leave, until I finally stopped paying attention to Calum. I still felt his stare on me as I watched Michael walk hurriedly past me and into his room.

I sensed that he was scared and I stopped in my tracks. Hearing echos and voices in my head from last night's little trip into Michaels dark past. I immediately threw my hands to my head to stop the pounding, scrunching my eyes shut, and having to bite my lip till I tasted that metallic taste to hold back a scream.

I tried calming down, only to get a pounding headache. I fumbled a little with a door knob to my room, unable to open the door. Then I felt something tightly grip my arm, pulling me behind a wall.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Calum spit, pinning me against the wall. Towering over me and looking down at me with dark eyes.

"Wha-what?" I stuttered as he just chuckled to himself. "You know damn well what." He spoke sternly.

"Calum I don't-" I couldn't even get a sentence out without him interrupting me. I started to shake under his intimidating figure.

"I thought you were different. I thought I could trust you."

"You can."

"You can't just go into people's minds like that."

"That's what this is about?" I just shake my head and sigh. "It's out of my control." He just looks at me confused.

"I don't choose to see things. I just see them. Somethings I don't want to. I mean you would know how bad it was." I say calmly as he just backs away slowly, looking hurt.

"You don't know?" I ask softly. "The boy doesn't speak of course I don't know!" He throws his hands up.

"All I know is that his family is gone. I don't know how, why, or when." He says quietly as I walk closer to him.

"Do you want to know?" I ask nervously as he looks up at me with a sad glare. "Just stay away." He shoves past me, causing my back to hit the wall. I wince in pain and just slide down the wall as tears slipped down my cheek.

A few moments later I hear Calums voice and then a click of a door lock "Im going to the gym. Be back in a bit Kitten." I scoot farther into the hallway to hide from Calum as he walked by with a his gym bag.

I waited for him to past and turn down the hall before running to his bedroom door. I hesitate to knock, knowing I should take his advice and stay away, but I can't.

The door opens revealing a sleepy, smiley Michael. Only his smile drops when he sees that it's me. He shakingly shuts tries to shut the door but I put my body in the way.

"Mikey please. Just let me explain." I plead as he just looks at me unsure, but then lets me in. He sits criss cross on the bed and hugs a pillow close to his chest.

"I hope you understand." I start softly as I sit next to him on the bed. "I have no way in controlling this. It just happens. If I could I would never of done it. I'm so so sorry. I never meant to do this. I only ruin things." I cry into my knees as I continue to shake.

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