I Made A God...

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  • Dedicated to My One and Only

I made a god that let me do exactly what I wanted

I made a god who let me sin without me feeling haunted

I crafted him with my hands and imagined him in my mind

The concept of his image to my heart was intertwined

I lead a life of sin and pain, convinced that, that was all

And since I never left the ground I never had to fall

The music and movies, dances and bars.

The money, the power,  attention and cars.

It kept me entertained for a while…

In and out left a year a month a day

As I felt my heart dieing to a slow decay

I called on the god I made with my hands

I screamed I shouted I made my demands

I wanted to be comforted I wanted to be answered

I began to realize my sin had become a cancer

My spirit was twisted, my soul was in chains

My heart beat was failing, I could feel deaths claim….on me

This god would not speak this god would not save me

Because this god was of my own making

The only thing it ever did was prevent me to see

That if I looked in to its eyes all I would see was me.

I thought I owned my self and obeyed the God I made

But really all I did was allow my self to be chained

Chained to my desires, chained to all my sin

I knew for sure I’d die tonight; there was no way to win

With one last plead and tear I shed I begged to be set free

If you love me like I thought you did, will you die for me?

But no response and no help was ever found in it

If I could not be free tonight suicide I’d commit

But as the thought crossed my mind

I felt my heart come back to life

I saw my thoughts go in rewind

to the place had initiated strife

I made a god that let me do exactly what I wanted

I made a god who let me sin without me feeling haunted

I could never make a God that could save me from my sin

I could never make a God that would change me from within

I could never make a God that could make me feel alive

I can’t make something live if I’m dead inside

But the light that’s in me now by man was not created

In John 3:16 it is written and clearly stated

God so loved the world therefore he loves me

He loves me for who I am not who I’m supposed to be

He changes he transforms and that night he rescued me

I needed a savior I needed to be free

For it had eyes but couldn’t see

It had ears but couldn’t hear

It had hands but couldn’t clap

It had a mouth but didn’t speak

Now I have a God and he’s better then the best

Now I have a God that can put my sin to rest

I was not given hands to make gods but to praise the only real one

And the only reason Im alive is because of my Gods perfect…Son

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