Chapter 7 P.1

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Blaire's POV

Part 1:

I was sitting in the car on the way to the party watching the moon rise high towards the sky, making the world slowly turn into night.

I was playing with my hair, something I did when I was nervous, but how couldn't I be? I was on the way to the party of the "year", and it happen to just be my first ever in Rosewood.

So yes, I was anxious, nervous and hands down not ready to walk through the doors into the party scene.

To my luck Ariana pulled next to the curb and parked around seven houses down from the party. You could tell which house it was from the loud pumping music drifting into the street.

The three of us exited the car and instantly felt the chills of the night.

We started walking, well I tried to walk in my heels, towards the party.

I felt Katrina grab my hand and thankfully stabilise me as we continued to walk.

"I can basically hear your heart pumping out of your chest. Don't stress so much you've got us and once you get a little booze in your system you'll be having the time of your life!" She whispered, smiling warmly.

I guess that was half the truth, I would have my friends there for me but I wasn't planning on drinking.

We finally reached the house and the nerves had fully kicked in. We didn't have to knock on the door as it was already wide open, so we just shrugged and walked in.

As I entered the home scanned the time, taking in my surroundings. On the outside the house was massive, a mansion actually, but it had a very rustic feel to it. Inside was grand, Joey's parents definitely has some cash up their sleeves.

It was evident the furniture was moved, most probably upstairs to clear some room for the dance floor. Let me tell you it was packed with hormonal teenagers bumping and grinding on each other.

"Blaire? You look beautiful." A familiar voice came.

I looked to my right to see Connor Ryder. He had his hair styled back nicely and his ocean blue eyes raked my body in lust.

"The one and only, thank you." I blushed but smiled back.

"Come with me, I'll bring her back soon." he smiled turning toward Ariana and Katrina.

"Sure, I'll text you! We're gonna go meet up with the other girls and the twins anyways. Have fun!" Ariana winked.

I wanted to go with Connor but a part of me didn't I was way too nervous, but I didn't want to come off rude.

"I don't know maybe we can meet back up with you later? Just so we can get a drink first?" Katrina smiles at him while giving me a knowing look.

"I'll get her a drink and take care of her I promise. I'll bring her back to you." Connor smiles toward Katrina, obviously oblivious.

Before Katrina can protest Ariana yells a goodbye and intertwines her arm with Katrina, leading her off into the crowd of people.

Connor grabs my hand and instantly sends tingles up my spine. Boys didn't usually have effects on me but Connor is something different.

"Blaire, I wasn't kidding when I said you look beautiful tonight. You do look quite different though - not in a bad way." He says, smiling back at me still navigating us through the crowd.

"Thanks. I don't feel the need to dress up like this for everyone, everyday." I state slightly blushing at yet again another compliment.

He pulls me to the back of the room in the corner where a set of chairs were spread into a circle with people sitting and standing around them.

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