Chapter one

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We were the only ones left in the practice room, everyone had already left for the dorms.

Jungkook was dancing to the fast beat of the song in front of me. My eyes followed every one of his moves.

If he could look just a little to the right of his reflection in the mirror, he could see me. He could see the pure admiration on my face. He could see all of my feelings - that I kept bottled up and caged - blanketed on my face.

He could see, if he just wanted to. Just like the first day I had met him.

If only he noticed me.

Just then, the song ended, breaking me out of my reverie. Jungkook looked at me over his shoulder then, sweat glistening on his skin.

"What are you doing over there, hyung? Come on, next song together." He said.

I straightened up, and strode over to him, and stood beside him. We looked at ourselves reflected in the mirror.

Just like in every moment that I spend alone with him, a charged silence fell. Maybe it was a mutual feeling, maybe it was only me who felt it, but it was there, bearing down on me, making words choke in my throat.

"You're so short, hyung." Joked Jungkook, laughing at his own joke. I laughed myself, and punched him lightly in the arm. He had only an inch or two on me, but he never ceased to tease me about that. And with that, the tension dispelled.

"We are bulletproof part 2?" He asked.


The song started, the static and energetic beat of the song filling the room. We fell into rhythm together, as we were used to with the years of practice.

After the song ended, he switched off the music system. Sweat had now soaked through his white t-shirt, and I had to avert my gaze.

"Let's take a break, shall we?" he said, sitting down on the floor crossed legged, wiping his brow.

I nodded without looking at him, and followed suit.

Jungkook leaned back, closing his eyes and stretching his arms to the back for support.

I was looking at him, entranced.

I remembered him, innocent at fifteen when he first came into training. I watched him grow older, watched him turn to the amazing man he is today. And even then, I had felt it. Felt this. A feeling I refused to name, to acknowledge.

All I knew was that I needed to do something. Needed to get it out of my system. Needed to say it.

"Jungkook-ah?" I began.

Perhaps because of the seriousness of my tone, he looked at me, dead in the eyes, making my throat go dry.

"Yes, hyung?" He prompted, when I didn't continue.

I took a deep breath. "I-"

Just then, the door burst open, and Taehyung stood there, holding a brown paper bag. His unique box-shaped smile shone on his face.

"Look, I brought snacks!" He said cheerfully.

I felt my breath leave me, leaving my heart to thump a loud and careless beat. I didn't know whether I was relieved-or disappointed.

We both stood up.

"Yeah. I can see that." Said Jungkook sarcastically. "Thanks though."

"I thought you guys had gone back to the dorms?" I asked Tae, careful to keep my tone nonchalant, and by all means, un-annoyed.

"We had. I mean, the rest of them." Tae replied. "I went to the fast-food joint to bring you this." He waved the brown paper bag.

"Oh give me that!" Jungkook snatched the bag from him.

Taehyung looked at me. "Ah, Jimin, don't look like that." He smirked. "Was I interrupting something?" He glanced at Jungkook, who was preoccupied with opening the bag.

I panicked, and looked at Jungkook. he hadn't heard.

"Oh shut up." I shoved a still-smirking Tae.

"Oh wow! It's a burger!" Kookie exclaimed.

Taehyung smiled fondly at him. "You're welcome."

Jungkook smiled, and took a bite.

I felt an unexpected surge of jealousy. I couldn't bear it; It was obvious that they both adored each other, and I hoped to God everyday that it wasn't the way I thought.

Tae sat down beside Kookie, and ruffled his hair. Jungkook, in turn, shoved him playfully.

It was sickening.

I had little say in what they did, but I had some in what I did.

"Alright guys." I announced. "I'm leaving. enjoy your meal!" fake-cheerfully, I grabbed my jacket, and was out of the door.

I wondered, for the millionth time, how long I could take this.

Thank you for reading this! I hope you liked it and if you did, please give it a star! You don't know how much pleasure it gives me everytime I see an increase in my number of reads or stars.

Thank you!

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