Chapter thirteen

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We sat in a tense circle backstage. Jungkook insisted on sitting beside me, and I didn't mind.

Bang-shi hyuk nim was talking to the security chief tensely. He kept glancing at me, rubbing the tension on his face. It didn't exactly help my anxiety.

The usually boisterous group was silent. This had never happened before; we never had to cancel a show before.

PD nim thanked the security chief nim, and he anxiously went out the door, speaking angrily to his microphone.

PD nim looked at me again. This time, I deciphered the expression on his face. It was pity. Jungkook's fingers tightened around mine.

"Jimin." He said, coming to stand in front of me. I stood up in respect, and so did Jungkook.

The rest of the boys were looking in our direction.

"The attacker... she has admitted to be attempting to attack you." Said he. "I'm sorry."

I looked away. I couldn't feel the expression on my face, and the solid ground beneath my feet gave away. I stumbled back, and Jungkook caught me.

"Hyung!" he panicked.

"I-I need to be alone. For a while." I chocked out. My voice surprisingly came out levelled. I shrugged off Jungkook's grip from my arm, and I had just seen the hurt and pain in his face before I darted out of the room. "Don't follow me." I said to everyone.

I pushed open the door, and found two guards outside. I tried to move past them, but one caught my arm.

"You can't go alone, sir." He said.

"You don't decide that!" I snapped. I was being unnecessarily harsh to the guy, who was just doing his duty, I realized. "I'm sorry. But I need to be alone right now."

Something like sympathy came over his taut, unemotional face. "At least let one of us come with you."

"Fine." I said, and he followed behind me, giving a curt nod to his colleague.

I threw open the door to the men's restroom, and went inside. This was the only safe and lonely place I could find.

I stood in front of my reflection in the mirror now, and the boy looking back at me was not the one I'd left only a couple of hours ago.

His hair - dyed pink - were now disheveled. The coat sleeve which Jungkook had been clutching was painfully wrinkled. But the worst part were his eyes.

They looked haunted. Not just dead, haunted.

A single tear slipped down my cheek.

Moments of my life from the past years passed in my head. Dancing until my limbs went numb, singing till my throat was sore... all of it, laid to waste.

I slid down, onto the floor.

What had I done to deserve this? Had I not been enough? Had I not done enough? Had I-

The door creaked open. Jungkook poked his head in. Relief to have found me, and pain at my condition simultaneously flashed on his face.

"I didn't hear you come in." I said.

He hummed his reply. Then, he came to sit down beside me on the floor.

"Don't sit on the floor." I said to him. "You'll get cold."

"So will you, hyung." he said. He folded his arms around his knees, copying my position. He looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked.

"It's just-" He said. "I was hoping you'll say something about me copying you again."

I smiled. A small one, but it seemed to please him.

"There." he said. "You look so much better with a smile. You shouldn't ever stop."

My smile widened. A little.

"That was probably the cheesiest thing I've ever said." He said. "Don't make me say anything like that again, hyung."

I chuckled at that. "Jungkook."

He visibly perked up at having me speak. "Whatever you're doing, it's working."

He smiled. "Thanks, hyung." He took one of my hands in his.

"You know," he began. He gently rubbed my fingers between his palms. "I'd read a story in elementary school."

He looked up at me then, to see if I was listening. He must have been satisfied with my expression, because he continued. "It was about a drop of water." He looked back at our hands on his lap. "One drop of water got dirty, and that drop was so bad, he jumped into a jug of clean water. The rest of the water got dirty too."

"What are you trying to say, kookie?" I asked, softly.

He smiled as he looked into my eyes. "I'm saying that one person in a group makes everyone look dirty."

I chuckled again, louder this time, and brought my other hand up to his hair, ruffling it.

"Jungkook-ah." I said, smiling fondly at him. "the story means that one dirty person makes everyone in a group of people dirty too."

He blushed. "Well, you understood it, right? Doesn't matter." He continued. "What I wanted to say is one bad one in our big fandom doesn't make the whole fandom bad."

My smile faded. "I know." I said.

"Hyung." He put his finger under my chin. "You're perfect. She, the fan, is simply nuts."

"How can you say that?" I asked to no one. "That the fault is not in me, that made the fans hate me?"

He sighed. "I just know." He said. He then sat on his knees in front of me. "It's hard to not love you, hyung."


He cut me off with his palms on either side of my face, and leaned in. My eyes closed almost instinctively. His lips - so, so soft - brushed over mine only once in a butterfly kiss.

"As I said, Jimin." His voice was low and soft. His lips brushed mine as he spoke. "Anyone would be screwed up at the top floor to hate you."

He was tempting me with his kisses, and I was tempted. I slid my hand to the back of his head. "Okay." I said, as I brought his lips down on mine.


Sorry for the long wait guys! My internet had been working nicely after a looong time(it's a thing that happens in India.) and I'd been busy catching up on my KPop life.

I can't be excused, but please forgive me!

Thanks for reading, and please please leave a star!!

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