Chapter eleven

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But a different worry ate my mind up as I boarded the plane.

How will I tell them?

Once in the plane, Jungkook traded seats with Hoseok hyung who had sat beside me. He just pouted and said something about "not being able to annoy Jimin" to which I glared at him.

"Thanks Jungkook-ah." I said to him as he put my bag in the compartment above us.

"Don't mention it," He said. "I've made it my duty to help short people in need."

I elbowed him in the ribs, and he caught it, laughing. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down in my seat. He looked at me with such adoration, I wondered why had I ever doubted him.

"Guys! The plane is about to leave!" Yelled Yoongi hyung who had made himself comfortable already with his beloved neck pillow. "You can play later."

We both huffed playfully. 

The plane flew up, up to home. Jungkook had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

"Jimin?" He asked. The soft tips of his hair tickled my neck as he looked up at me from my shoulder.

"I thought you were asleep." I said. 

"I was trying to be." He said. "How are we going to tell them?"

I thought about that for a long, silent moment. "Well, Tae already knows."

Subconsciously, both of us looked at him sitting ahead with J-hope. Surprisingly, he was looking at us.

He looked away as we looked at him, and pretended to fidget with his earphones.

I shook my head. "It will be fine." I said, finally. "You want this, right?" 

"What I want is you." He said, his brown orbs meeting mine. "And what you want is what I want."

I sighed. "So, you don't want this?"

He sat up. "Honestly, no." He said. A small silence fell between us. 

"I've only recently gotten hold of these...these feelings and I can barely say this to you." He said. "I just... I just need some time to wrap my head around stuff."

I looked at him, and if we weren't in an aeroplane full of people, I might've kissed that frown away. "It's okay." I finally said, and conveyed my thoughts through my eyes. "We'll tell when you're ready. Until then..."

I pretended to zip my lips, lock them, and throw the keys away.

As predicted, he laughed. Grabbing my bicep, he lowered his head against my shoulder again, asleep for real this time.


"Aw, how cute." The speaker snickered. "This scene is straight from a drama, I tell you."

"I agree," Said another much deeper voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to find the figures of Hobi hyung and Namjoon hyung in front of me. Namjoon hyung had a palm on his lips, trying to smother a laugh, and Hobi hyung just looked sort of approving.

Then I realized I had fallen asleep with my head on Jungkook's, whose head was on my shoulder.

I shot up, making Jungkook cling to my arm. "Ah hyung don't go." He mumbled in his sleep.

I turned red. Namjoon hyung had flat out burst out laughing at that point. "You guys... are cute." He finally said through chuckles.

"Like I said." Hobi hyung said. "Drama. Perfect." He proceeded to make a camera lens shape with his hands.

"Oh shut up." I said. I nudged Jungkook. "Wake up. We're home." He just stirred a bit. 


"WTF!" Jungkook shot up from his seat.

"Hey watch your tongue." Screamed Jin Hyung from three seats ahead. 

How did he even hear from that far?

And that was another normal even in the life of Bangtan Sonyeondan.


"Ok hyung. Not like that. Like this," I instructed Namjoon hyung on another step.

"Okay." He repeated it, getting it wrong again.

I shook my head again. "Let's do it again. Hana, dul, set..."

I could hear similar sounds from the opposite side of the practice room, where Hoseok Hyung was instructing Seokjin Hyung, who was a lot less patient than Namjoon.

Finally, he got it right. "That's so great!" I cheered. "Good job, Hyung. You're improving."

He stood up from his position on the floor. "Again, thank you."

"And again, hyung." I said, "Don't mention it."

I sat down, tying the knots of my shoes that had come undone.

"Jungkook talked to me earlier today." He said. 

I looked up at him, watched his face pinched in concentration as if gauging my reaction.

"Oh? What did he say." I asked, curious. That was the only expression I let stay on my face.

"He told me. About you two."

I looked down. "I see."

"You're not shocked." He observed.

"No, it's just-" I took a deep breath. "I had expected him to tell you first."

"Ah." He said, and sat down beside me. "He also told me about the incident."

"Yeah, that." I said, suddenly uncomfortable. "What about it?"

"He isn't sure if you've forgiven him." 

"I have." I said, "Really."

He looked at me for a while. "Okay." He said. "But know this : He will never hurt you. Not willingly."

"I know." I said, taking a deep breath. "That's why I love him."


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