Chapter two

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"The fries! Oh the fries!"

Taehyung exclaimed from where he was sitting opposite me. I was doing push ups, heaving myself up and down with the support of my arms.

"Stop trying to tempt me, Tae." I teased. "You wouldn't pick yourself up by pushing me down."

"Oh is that so? I was just telling you how phenomenal the fries were!" He said.

I fake snorted. "Yeah, right."

He ignored that. "Huh. Besides, if I were to push you, you'd be ten feet underground right now."

My natural competitive nature kicked in. "Oh yeah? Try me-"

"Who's pushing who?" Asked Namjoon, entering the room.

"No one." Said Tae. "What are you doing here anyway? Wanna exercise with kookie?"

"Don't be stupid, Tae hyung." I joked. "Rapmon hyung and exercise are two words that will never be in the same sentence."

Namjoon hyung quirked an eyebrow up. "Well... in case you haven't noticed, this is my room too." He said. "Also, you just put 'rapmon hyung' and 'exercise' in the same sentence."

Taehyung laughed at my apparently embarrassed state. My ears turned hot in embarrassment, and I punched Taehyung on the arm, making him laugh harder.

"Anyway" Namjoon hyung said. "Has anyone of you seen Jimin? I can't find him."

I looked up at him, all previous humor gone.

"H-he'd left for the dorms before we had. He should've reached here by now, shouldn't he?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Yes. You're right." Said Taehyung. "But he'd be back. He's a responsible boy."

Namjoon hummed in approval. "I hope so."

But I wasn't so sure.

I recalled his face when he left. After he gave us his jubilant goodbye and crescent-eyed smile, his shoulders slumped forward as he reached for his jacket. And as he shut the door, he looked... defeated.

I wondered what made him look like that.

I wondered what was it that he wanted to say before Tae barged in.

I wondered where he was, and if he was Okay.



Alright so I'm aware that this chapter is very very short. It can't even be called a chapter. But I needed to get this out of me.

This was a filler chapter. But I promise you that a big chapter with big opportunities is coming up. Bear with me.

Gomabseumnida guys!


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