Chapter Two: The File

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Mark's pov:
I was in the middle of finishing up my latest video, when my roommate Jack came barging in the recording room with a huge smile on his face "Uh Dude what are you doing?" I questioned waiting for him to explain why he kick the door in "Doesn't matter! What does is what I found that appeared on my laptop!" He exclaimed slamming the laptop down in front of me.  I didn't see anything that different expect for his desktop had a strange file on it "Yeah? And your point is?" I said flatly taking a sip from my coffee. Jack smacked me upside the head for the stupid question "Look at the file's name ya idiot! Do see what it says?!" He groaned getting impatient as I played the 'not paying attention game' I looked back at the file and saw that it said "Uh Jacksepticglitch?" I read out loud unsure if that was the right name for it "Correct! Do you know what this is?!" He declared looking curious as he stared at the file "I don't know? Maybe a scam or fan game. Either way I wouldn't trust it if I were you" I warned taking another sip of my coffee just as something popped up on my computer as well "Look you got one too!" He said in fascination as if this was the coolest thing he encountered. I stared at my computer in skeptical whatever this is wasn't normal for a computer or any device to do "How did that get on there?" I mumbled starting to freaky out "I don't know but I'm gonna see what this is!" Jack stated already clicking on the file. I rolled my eyes and decided to the same seeing how there was no going back now. I still felt unsure of these files but maybe that just me.

Jack's pov:
As soon as Mark and I clicked on our files nothing happened?! But just as I was going to claim that it was a scam the power went out making a weird sound "What the f***!" I screamed as I felt my laptop starting to heat up and spark. Panicked I dropped it on the floor and me and Mark took cover as smoke and sparks started flying "Look away from the screen!" Mark warned having his hands over his head like they did in the military I quickly did the same thing. Soon the room was engulfed by blinding white light. The sound of glass shattering and sparks hissing as smoke filled the air. Then flashes of blue and red flickered all around us it was like a gamers nightmare. Finally the light show died down and smoke was all the remained in the room I dared not look at what happened to everything when I heard two glitchy voices spoke in unison "We're here~" They cheered and strangely it soundly like it was us speaking but a little more childish than normal. Curiosity washed over me as I glanced up to see something that made my stomach flip and my heart jump as a hand was extended out in front of me. My eyes widen as I was face to face with another version of me that was glitchy every once awhile. He had my old gray-brown hair I once had before I dyed it green, he wore a bright green hoodie with black pants and red converse, but it was his eyes that scared me. He had startling white pupils while one eye was an electric blue and the other was a bright red. I don't know why but I grabbed his hand expecting it to go through but it didn't he felt real! Anyway he helped me up with a big smile on his face that was almost contagious "AAHAHAH!" I heard Mark screamed "Mark?!" I jumped when I saw him cornered by once again another glitchy like clone. It's hair was  the raven colored floof that Mark had once but was spiked up as if he stuck a fork in a outlet. He wore all black I couldn't see what his face looked like but I freak "Leave him alone" I said worried that these guys were dangerous then again they did just broke out of our electronics! I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see my glitchy clone "Don't worry friend! We're not gonna hurt ya! Names Jacksepticglitch but you can call me JG for short!" JG introduced smiling kindly and gave me a warm hug. This caught me off guard but then I relaxed little he reminded me of my little brothers "Should I trust JG? I mean I just met him how do I know this isn't a trick?" I thought as gently pushed him away from. I looked back over to where Mark was and saw that he looked panicked I don't blame him this is all too weird.

Mark's pov:
I opened my eyes to see that I was in a corner and a shadow was hovering over me. Literally hovering! I could already tell it was a version of me but the eyes freaked me out. All my mind could do was scream RUN but where? He's got me cornered "Hiya Buddy!" He smiled widely it looked creepy as he did this. I tried blinking and hoped that it was real but when I opened my eyes he was still there "AHAHAHAH!" I screamed getting Jack's attention I heard him call my name in fear but he was occupied with his clone that was talking with him "Oh great this is how I die" I mentally groaned. The thing in front of me got into what looked like a fighting stance. I braced myself for pain but something much more surprising happened, I felt arms wrapped around me. I stared at him as he was snuggling against my chest and he sounding like he was purring? At this point I was completely confused "What and who are you?" I muttered trying to pry him off me but the guy had a death grip on me "U-uh Jack a little help" I called out trying to shake the thing off my leg "Let go!" I yelped as I was brought back to the ground. By then the guy noticed I wanted him off and let go only to start floating over my head "Hehehe whoops sorry I get a little carried away when I meet someone new" He chuckled sheepishly before helping me up "I see and do you do this thing often?" I questioned fixing my shirt "Nope!" He said shaking his head rapidly "I'm Glitch" He grinned giving me another hug again "Your a hyper little fella huh" I asked once again prying him off me his eyes glinted excitedly as I said this. Ok now with the introductions done maybe we can finally ask what the heck these guys are and why they look like us.

A/n: I have no idea if Jack has siblings in this or not? So your just going have to pretend if anything.

Live Big, Love Big, Dream Big, And Achieve Big~ Bluerazz

Two Glitches, One House (A Glitchiplier & Jacksepticglitch fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now