07 | party

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07 | party

"Hey sexy lady," Logan greets when I walk into the cafe we both work at.

I blush furiously and put on my apron. "Shut up," I grumble.

"Hey, there's a college party tonight." He grins. "Wanna be my date?"

"I don't know..." I trail off.

It was hard leaving Franco alone, he was so protective. I thought it would be the other way around.

"You look like you need a night out," he points out.

I gave up on wearing makeup today. I guess Logan was worried about my dark bags and whereabouts. I understand since we met in the forest at night, he should be worried about where I'm going.

I went out back and put my belongings in my locker. I took out the trash and see Logan talking to Dr. Carpenter across the street.

Did they know each other?

Dr. Carpenter sees me and smiles. "Hey Aurora! I didn't know you worked here!"

I slowly approach them. "How do you guys know each other?" I ask. Before they could answer, I turn to Logan. "Were you using me?" I spat.

Logan widen his eyes, confusion written all over his face. "What—No! Never! What are you talking about?"

"She's my client, son," Dr. Carpenter says softly. She turns to me. "It's okay, Aurora. He's not using you for information or anything. I didn't even know you two knew each other."

I have a hard time believing them.

Instead I smile tightly and nod. "I'm sorry for accusing you. It's just been rough lately."

"Looks like it," Logan mumbles. "But I'd never do that to you, Aurora. Swear."

I nod. "I know," I say softly. "I'm sorry."

"Would you like another session Aurora?" Dr. Carpenter asks.

I shake my head. "I know you probably have questions about seeing me with Franco...but I promise you, I'm getting better."

She nods and glances at Logan. "Well, I'll see you two later?"

Logan nods and kisses her cheek. "Love you mom. See you on Christmas."

"Love you too honey. Have fun you two!" She gets into her car and drives away.

I puff out smoke from my mouth. "Sorry," I say again.

"Don't worry about it," he says. "Worry about all the drinks we're gonna drink tonight!"

Anything to get me to forget everything just for one night.


The music was deafening. I lied to Franco, Carlos and my parents about where I was going. None of them knew about Logan and I wasn't sure if I was ready for them to know.

"Stay close to me!" Logan shouts over the music.

I don't recognize the dorms at all. I feel eighteen all over again. A freshman in college, not knowing anything about dorms and frat parties with my whole life ahead of me. My boyfriend and best friend by my side.

It was amazing how quickly that was taken away from me.

I tried to look for familiar faces. None of them appealed to me. I stay by Logan's side, seeking comfort and he didn't disappoint. I follow him to the kitchen.

He hands me a cup. I look at it questioningly.

"It's just beer, nothing else, I promise."

I nod, believing him and take a long sip. The alcohol burns down my throat. It's been a year since I've had any alcohol.

"First time?" Logan chuckles.

I smile sheepishly. "It's been a year," I admitted.

"I won't drink tonight so I can drive us home. How does that sound?" he offers. "Besides, my mom would kill me and I don't have anywhere to go."

I nod and take his cup, drowning it quickly. I smack my lips together and sigh.

Logan's eyes lighten like a little boy on Christmas Day. "Feels good?"

I laugh, the alcohol already making its way to my head. "I haven't felt this way in forever!"


I lost Logan after my seventh drink. I'm sure he's worried about me and is most likely searching for me frantically, but he won't think about looking on the roof.

I stand near the edge of the roof, overlooking the college campus. The winter breeze flew by me and I shivered.

I hear my name being called but I don't move.

"Aurora?" Franco calls out. "AURORA!" he shouts.

I jump at his voice. He was dangerous when he was angry. Two years into our relationship, I learned not to push his buttons too far.

I start to breathe heavily. I blow my hot breath into my hands to heat it. Franco grabs my arm and whips me around to face his angry face.

His expression was lethal but when he saw my frown, it softens and he hugs me tightly.

"What are you doing here?" he whispers, rubbing my back. "Your friend Logan called me on your phone worried about you. I thought I'd lost you."

Again, were his unspoken words. It was hanging in the air and none of us were willing to say it out loud.

He pulls back and looks at my face, taking in every detail. "I needed a night to myself," I say softly. "Just one night."

He looks confused and frustrated, it made me smile.

"You think this is funny?" he snaps.

My smile falters and I bite my lip. "I want to go home."

He nods. "Are you drunk?"

I shrug, "I think so."

He sighs, clearly tired of me. I was a burden. I feel guilty for making him feel responsible for my wellbeing. Same goes for Logan and Carlos.

"Who do you talk to on the phone all the time?" I whimper. I needed to know and I couldn't wait any longer.

His eyes snap to mine. He bites his lip uncertainly. "How much did you hear?"

"Well, the night you came back I heard enough."

He closes his eyes and gulped. I see his Adam's apple go up and down. I know I've got him now.

"Baby, I hate that you lost your memory. I hate that you forgot what happened. But if you looked me in the eye now and if I told you what really happened that day, then you'd never forgive me or yourself."

He caresses my cheek with his thumb, wiping away my tears. "I want to know everything," I whimper. "I need to know because it's driving me crazy."

"I promise you—" I move my face from his hands but he softly, but firmly moved me to face him again. "I promise you, I'll tell you everything. Can we just bask in the glorious present? Just once before everything crash and burns? Otherwise, we'll fight again just like we did before you got in that car accident but only this time it'll be worse."

I nod my head, reluctantly agreeing.

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