15 | ready

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Hayley comes over my house after announcing she was in town. She wanted to help me with my makeup and come with me to the dance. I asked her how she would get in and she told me she'll sneak in like the old days.

Franco hasn't called all day and I haven't tried to reach him. Last night was...brutal. I didn't know what the phone call was about but drunk minds speak the truth.

Carlos posted photos of him and his new...fling, I would say. They looked happy. I guess he enjoyed dating a cougar.

Logan and I haven't spoken in almost three days, I almost forgot about him. I had to go back to work soon. The last time we saw each other, things didn't end well.

"I think I finally found your color," Hayley announces.

I look up from my spot on the couch, preoccupied with my phone. "Great," I mutter. "Do you even have a dress yet?"

"Of course, but don't worry about me." She starts putting things on my eye.

"I'm not sure I like how this feels," I tell her.

"Grow up and show yourself off to your man," she demands.

I roll my eyes. "Well, my man can either take it or leave it. Besides, this is our first dance together."

Her eyes widen slightly. "You guys have a strange relationship," she comments. "First stalking and now you're telling me you've never been to a dance before?!"

There's a knock on the door. Hayley gets it for me since I don't look presentable. She comes back in with a small smile.

"There's a guy here to see you," she squeals lowly.

Logan comes in hesitantly. He chuckles at my face. "Well, aren't you pretty? Getting all dolled up?" he teases.

Hayley blushes and bites her lip. "I'm going to a dance tonight with my sister," I inform him.

His eyes widen and he looks at Hayley. "Is she going too?"

Hayley freezes. "Of course she is," I reply before Hayley could.

Logan claps his hands together. "Great! Then, I'm coming too. I'm sure I could pull a tux in time."

"It starts at eight," I say. "Don't be late."

He comes over and sides across from me. Hayley sits beside me and starts doing my makeup.

"So why did you come over?" I ask.

"Can a friend not see his friend after three days of being M.I.A?" he asks, fake offendedly.

I blink at him.

He sighs in defeat. "I just wanted to see you. I got bored." He glances at Hayley. "And I don't regret coming here."

Hayley blushes but doesn't say anything. I totally ship them.

"How was your day off?" Logan asks.

"It was great, actually," I say honestly.

"You and Franco are doing okay?"

"Yes, sir," I mock. Hayley pokes my eye and I flinch.

"Sorry," she says quickly, fixing her mistake.

"Welcome to your doom," Logan says in a weird voice. "Where beauty hurts and doesn't last very long..."

Hayley throws the mascara at him. "You can hit me any time, sweetheart!"

My phone rings and I see it's Franco. I'm hesitant to pick it up and Logan notices, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Are you gonna pick it up or..."

I clear my throat and answer it quickly. "Hey, babe," I say cheerfully.

"Baby," he breathes in relief. "Do you still want to go to the dance?"

He remembers last night. I'm not sure whether that was good or bad.

"Of course," I say. "Logan and a friend are coming with us, if you don't mind..."

"No, of course not," he says quickly. "I'll be there soon."

"Okay," I say quietly.

"Please don't be angry at me," he says.

I swallow. "I'm not," I say softly. "See you soon."

"I love you," he says sincerely.

I smile. "Love you too."

I hang up and drop my phone on the coffee table. Logan snorts. "What was that about?"

"It's been rocky today," I answer.

He raises his hands in surrender. "You never want my help so don't mind my opinions."

"So keep them to yourself," I snap.

Hayley pulls back, looking between the two of us.

"Maybe I will, because no matter what I say, you never listen," he snaps.

"Why do you care so much anyway?" I retort.

"Because you're my friend and I care about you, damn it."

I scoff. "Keep telling yourself that."

"You should be with someone who pushes you forward, not hold you back," he states.

"Hate to break it to you buddy, but he's not holding me back, the car accident did."

"And who's fault is that?" he throws.

"I don't know!"

"Enough!" Hayley shouts. "You guys keep going back and forth! Logan, go get ready, we'll meet you there. Aurora, you stay still, I'm almost finished."

Logan and I shut our mouths and listens to what she says. Logan storms out and slams the door. I let Hayley finish my touchings. I don't know if I want Franco and Logan to meet...


"Babe, you look beautiful!" Hayley gushes.

My reflection stares back at me. I look completely different than before. I feel beautiful.

Hayley dressed up well too. She wore a silver dress that went to her knees and shows off her back with black stilettos and her curly hair up with diamonds on it.

Hayley's on her phone and I know she's texting Logan. The doorbell rings and we rush downstairs. Franco's God-like face appears and looks me up and down. His eyes darkening and he licks his lower lip.

I shift on my feet. "You look beautiful," he breathes out. He gives me a corsage and puts it on my wrist. "For times we never spent at dances." He caresses my hand with his thumb. "I'm so sorry about last night," he whispers.

I put our foreheads together. "We can talk about it later," I whisper back.

Hayley clears her throats and waves awkwardly. "Hi! Still here you know...waiting."

I smile and take Franco's hand. "Let's go."

Finding FrancoWhere stories live. Discover now