The Bathroom Talk

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Maybe if I quietly sneak up the stairs like a ninja they won’t see me. I remove me shoes and head towards the stairs until my keys fall out of my pocket on to the wood floor. Damn so close!

Roc: Oh you’re back so soon?

Taylor: Um yeah we decided to do the same dress for all the bridesmaids. How did the suit fifing go?

Prod: Good if you don’t count that Ray got a purple suit.

Taylor: A purple suit why?

Ray: Because purple and crème are our colors.

Taylor: Why not a purple tie or purple shoes but a whole purple suit?

Prince: He won’t listen.

Taylor: Well I’ll see you guess later I’m going to my room.

Before the conversation could get any longer I practically ran up the stairs and into my room. Now if I stay up here until they leave I can avoid unnecessary conversation.  Don’t get me wrong I love them but now it seems to be awkward whenever Ray and I are in the same room.


Ok so it’s been an hour and these niqqa are still in my house. From the yelling and cheering u guess they are watching the game. That’s normal though Prince, Prod and Ray usually watch it at my house because they say my TV is better than theirs, I think it’s just because my fridge is always full but they never are.

I’m hungry as hell I haven’t eaten anything today, but if I go down there they will make me watch the game with them. But if I take the back stair I can go to the kitchen and they won’t see me. Ha I’m a genius.

I walk out of my bedroom as Ray comes out of the bathroom. And let the awkwardness begin!

Ray: Um hi.

Taylor: Hello Ray.

Ray: I was just umm-

Taylor: You don’t have to tell me why you were in the bathroom.

Ray: I know I just thought you should know.

Taylor: Yea ok well I’m going this way.

Ray: Taylor Wait. I think we need to talk.

Damn here it comes.

Taylor: About what?

Ray: Ever since I found out your “secret” we have been very distance.

Taylor: I don’t know what you’re talking about Ray.

Ray: Don’t do that Taylor you know what I mean.

Taylor: Well it’s not my fault that when I try to talk you act all weird.

Ray: I know it’s just that my feelings are all over the place and I don’t know how to deal with it.

Taylor: What emotions Ray. The only thing that you should be feeling is happiness that you have found the girl that you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Ray: But what about you?

Taylor: Don’t worry about me Ray. I got me and if all fails I plan on marrying the money remember?

Ray: Ha, you will forever be my favorite girl. (Hugs her)

Taylor: And you will always be my best boy.

 Awww. Everyone is finally happy. But will this last long. What about Prod's secret feeligns for Taylor. And Roc's flirting. Does Prince have feelings for her too!!!! Aint Shay just a hoe! :)

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