Naruto (Modern)

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Naruto x Seme! Male! Reader (Modern)

(Updated 12/15/2017)


It was Naruto's birthday today. You, being the very responsible, had not yet got him a present. You walked around town trying to find a suitable gift for Naruto. However, after walked around for 30 minutes you decided to just take him out for ramen. After all, he loves ramen. You decided to head towards his apartment now to pick him up. You decided to surprise him so you decided to take the scenic route.

You walked into the lobby and looked for the sign directing you towards the elevators. You walked towards where the sign directed you and you eventually found it. You pushed the 'up' button and waited a couple minutes, then stepped into it when it finally arrived. For such a high-class apartment complex the elevator was pretty slow. You sighed and waited for another couple minutes to reach Naruto's floor. You stepped out and headed in the direction of Naruto's apartment, apartment 418. You knocked on the door gently and hoped he heard it, knowing him he could still be sleeping.

The door opened slowly and you could see Naruto peeping through the crack. "Oh (Y/N)!" Naruto smiled and gestured for you to come in. You walked into his apartment and took off your shoes. "Hey, want to go get some ramen?" you asked him. "Oh, sure hold on let me get dressed!" he said going into his room to get ready. Naruto hurried to his room and got ready. Once he got out you saw what he was wearing. "Does it look okay?" he asked while giving a side view of the outfit. "Kind of fancy for going out to ramen, don't 'ya think?" you asked. "Ugh, well you're dressed the same way!" Naruto complained. "Fine, then let's just go!" you said sighing. "You're so stubborn!" you mumbled under your breath. 

-Time Skip-

After Ramen

By the time you and Naruto got done with Ramen it was getting dark. Naruto insisted that you stay over, so there you were sitting on his couch. "What do you want to watch?" he yawned loudly. He stretched, trying to stay awake.He looked at you cutely. Whenever he gave you that look you just wanted to pounce on him. You quickly tried to occupy your mind with other thoughts. It didn't work and a blush was quickly taking over your face. "Um, Y/N?" He said while waving his hand in front of your hand. That snapped you out of your thoughts. By now, you were a human tomato. 'Must contain myself' you tried calming down, although it didn't help. You sighed and looked over at Naruto, who had a somewhat worried look on his face. You quickly turned your head the other direction and tried to calm yourself by breathing in and out. You heard snickering behind you and turned around slowly. You raised an eyebrow, Naruto snickered and pointed down. Then you realized. You had a boner. He laughed loudly, "Naruto shut up!" you screamed at him. This caused him to laugh louder.

"You know what, forget it!" You yelled at him as you pinned him to the couch, making him gasp, shutting him up immediately. You looked at his now blushing face, making you smirk. You started kissing his neck, looking for a certain spot. He moaned loudly, " Y/N! " You left your mark. "You are mine!" you whispered into his ear, making him squirm under you. You lifted him up bridal style and brought him to his room. You placed him onto the bed. You kissed him softly on the lips. As it got more intense, you slipped your hand under his shirt. As he moaned, you took the opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth. The kiss seemed to last forever, both of you fighting for dominance. You won of course. As the kiss ended, the two of you started to undress. Let's just say he couldn't walk for days.


 ...I updated. Well, sorry for my absence. I'm updating my other shitty parts of this story and maybe deleting ones I think are garbage. Yeah, thanks for all the comments, views and etc. on this shitty story. You guys are awesome.

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