This week I was so angry, for no reason (apart the blood falling). I wanted to explode the head of everybody who did anything I disliked. For example, Tuesday the car driver put the radio sound loud. Problem : it was 7:00 a.m. What the Hell man? Do you know when we woke up uh? We just wanted to sleep, but we could not, thanks to him. I had one wanted : take his head and explode it on the dashboard with all my strenght. Then I had four hours of french so I wanted to explode my own head on the wall but after that we ate chips. On Wednesday I had an appointement on the dentist's. So my teeth were really painful. At the point that I could not eat anymore, it hurted a lot. The dentist was so agressive that she made me bleed my gums.
So you can understand why did I was this bad : I could not eat my chips.
Oh, I forgot : the night of the 14th of November, the moon was incerdibly big. Problem : there were so many clouds that we could not see any sky.
Did'nt you know? I really love everything relating the sky, the stars, the universe... And the Moon is without hesitancy the thing I most love, more than anything. So I was so exited and hurried to see it... but I could not. So I was sad, and angry.
But most of all : there's a new girl on my horst-family. I can't see her without wanting to... yeah, explode her head. What do you think I was going to say seriously? X)
If fact, you should know that I hate (but really hate!) when people that I don't know come and caddle me. And when it is someone I hate, you can't imagine how much I can't sustain.
So, to resume : she is a thirteen-years-old girl who doesn't stop chatting of things and all, for nothing, alone, and who can't bear when you talk with someone and that she is not part of the conversation. Girl, what is your problem?
For example yesterday night I was talking with someone of the singer LP because I could not believe it was a girl. You know what she did? The placed between us and she interrompted me. I wanted to.. litteraly fight her. Then this night when we were eating, I don't know why but we talked about yoga. I said that personally I prefer Shiatsu because it is only relaxation with breathing exercises ; she cut my speech and said she saw on TV yoga programs and I don't really know what, I told her something like "Let me finish what I was saying! So I don't like yoga because..." And you know what? She had gone. So how to tell... I am a little bit angry.
Sorry for the ones who could not understand what is said above but I wanted to tell in English...
RandomOuaip. Vous êtes vraiment tombés sur mon rantbook. Vraiment. Mais voyons le bon côté des choses : maintenant que vous êtes là, installez-vous posément, avec une tasse de chais-pas-quoi à la main, et vos lunettes (si vous en avez) sur le nez, et PAS...