Chapter 10

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I walk down the street and hail a cab and as the cab pulls over someone snaps a photo of me and I look up and it's paparazzi and it startles me because that has never happened before.

"Where to my friend?" The Cabby asks.

"Nearest Duane Reed." He drives down the road and pulls over. " Can you wait I will only be a few minutes."

"Sure thing but the meter is running." He says. I nod at him and get out of the car.

I run into the store and grab drinks, cleaning stuff and my favorite scented candles. My house is pretty much immaculate but I wanted to make sure it smelled nice. I never let anyone come in except my family and once in awhile Johnny. It's my sanctuary. I head out of the store and find the cab and get in.

"Park Slope please." I tell the cabby. I take out my phone and call Jack. "Hey Jack I am going to order a few Pizzas and get some wine from Slope Cellar anything else?"

"Naw I think it's good. Hey Ayana left pictures for your portfolio and the ones of the two of you how should I put this they are SMOKIN' HOT."

"Wow really?" I am almost home. I'll be there as soon as I buy the wine."

"Riley I am proud that you're finally letting people in."

"It's just a movie." I say trying to convince myself.

"Ok. Johnny is taking Ayana to see what he does for a living."

"Oh no! Well she'll be back home fast."

"That's what I said!"

I get to my block and walk to the Wine shop and pick out a wine that I have had before it a strawberry one that tastes amazing. I go over to Jack's and he is watching the news while typing on his laptop.

"Hey bro, what's up." I ask.

"Not much Kaylee is taking a nap. She is not feeling well."

"Oh that's to bad. Where are my photos?"

"On the counter." He says as he points. I notice a sourdough loaf on the counter cooling that Kaylee makes. It is one of my favorite things in the world.

"Don't even think about touching that bread." A small sleepy voice says. I look up and see a sleepy eyed Kaylee.

"Ok damn woman relax." I laugh as I begin to open the envelope and take out the pictures. Kaylee runs over to look at the photos too. The photos are great I look the photos of us last and they are stunning.

"Wow look at you guys! How sexy is that." Kaylee says. I am in awe of the photos and I keep staring at them. " Ayana just texted me she is on her way home."

"See I told ya!" Jack laughs.

"She is seriously pissed off!" Kaylee says.

"Ok go over when she gets here." I say

"See ya in a bit." Jack says

"Wait Riley, take the bread and dip but do not eat it!" Kaylee yells.

"All right, All Right. Calm down." I laugh.

I go into my house, light a few candles and vacuum my house. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

'Hello" I answer.

"Yo Riley I just pissed Ayana off! She thinks I am a scumbag because I am a paparazzi." Johnny laughs hysterically.

"I heard."

"She'll come back."

"Don't be so sure."

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