Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

*Ember's POV*


Walking along the halls of the hospital Chloe stopped me.

"Um Ember, aren't you going to go see Harry-I mean Mr. Styles before he gets discharged from the hospital?"

I shook my head, "I'm not so sure that's a good idea Chloe."

"Why not?"

"Because," I tried to come up with a good couter, but my mind was blank.

"Because you're afraid to face him," she teased.

"Am not!" I protested.

"Prove it," she hissed through her teeth.

Without saying a word I stalked off in the direction of the hospital rooms. That was until Chloe said something to me that stopped me in my tracks.

"He's on the first floor."

"Well, there goes my dignity," I mumbled under my breath, before turning around towards the elevators.

"You can thank me later," she said, a smirk on her face.

I didn't replied, just hit the down button and waited.

When I got down to the first floor I was greeted by a few of my colleages, but most of it was extremely quiet.

I took a clipboard off of the wall and looked down the list of patients' names.

"Styles," I said a smile on my face "Got it." I put the clipboard back and started towards the room.

I knocked on the door and opened it a bit. Someone from the other side of the door yanked it out of my grip and I almost fell into the room, that was until someone caught me.

"Oh, sorry there, lass," he said, setting me on my feet. It was Niall.

"No," I replied. "Not a problem at all."

"How may we help you?" Louis asked.

"Um, well. You see...I-"

"Are you the girl that saved my mate's life?" he cut me off.

"By kissin' him?" Liam finished.

"I mean it wasn't like that-"

"It seemed like that," Zayn mumbled.

"Aye blokes be quiet," Louis shouted. "Give her some time to speak."

"Thanks," I sighed.

"No problem," he said, a grin on his face. "So, is my Harry a good kisser?"

The entire room erupted with both laughter and more questions.

"That's it!" Harry yelled. "Everyone out!"

"Aw, Hazza-"


They began to shuffle out of the room, glaring back at me. I bet they wished they had a camera in the room because they looked as if they wanted to record our private conversation and post it all over YouTube.

"Sorry about them," Harry said, sitting up from his bed.

"It's no big deal," I replied, walking a bit closer, but not too close.

He chuckled.

"What?" I asked, checking to see if something was on my clothes.

"You act like I'm going to break."

I shrugged. "You never know."

It was quiet for a while until he spoke up. "I just wanted to thank you."

"Just doing my job," I replied.

"You're brilliant at your work," he said, blushing.


He stood up and walked towards me. "I'm Harry by the way," he held out his hand.

"I think we're kind of past this stage," I said, taking his hand.

"I completely agree."

There was another knock on the door and Dr. Mills popped his head in through the door.

"Sir, we have a car waiting for you outback. I think it's best you leave now, mainly because the fans are causing all havoc on the hospital. Hard to get in and out."

"Sorry, Dr..."

"Mills," I helped him out.

"Right Dr. Mills, it will only be a few minutes. I just need to finish my lovely conversation here."

I blushed as Dr. Mills left us in the room...alone, again.

"Since I have to go, I just wanted to ask for your-"

Before he could finish I grabbed his phone that he held out and went straight to his contacts. I pushed add a contact and put in my name, a few hearts beside it.

He looked at it and smirked. "Thanks," he reached for door handle but was quick to stop.

"Oh yeah and I almost forgot," before I could comprehend what he was doing.

He then kissed my cheek, sending my chills down my back. "What was that-" before I finished he then pressed his lips slowly against mine.

"That was for saving my life."

With that, he left me there. Standing as dumbstruck as I did when he was rolled out of the operating room.

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