The Door

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Shit. Shitty shit shit. It happened again. I ended up in the same place. My bed. I sadly end up here too often. No, I'm not depressed or a moody teenager. Well......, maybe. Shut up. I always end up here because of that fucking door. It's always me trying to get in the door. I came so close one night, BUT NO, THERE HAD TO BE FUCKING TRAPS AS SOON AS I WALK IN! I thought I'll try again, but nope. SECURITY WAS TIGHTENED. Why can't an 18 year old and his 17 year old girlfriend become the rulers of Espazia. Because it's the law James. CARL, FUCK YOU. NO ONE ASKED YOU.

       Oh, I forgot to mention I have split personalities. That was Carl, if you couldn't tell. No one likes him. Then there are the other two which don't have names yet. I'm thinking the girl should be She-Ra because the Thundercats were awesome. BUT NO, TV HAD TO BE ABOLISHED BECAUSE OUR STUPID PRESIDENT DECIDES TO OUTLAW IT. Okay, got off topic. The door. No one knows what's in it. Only the president is allowed to go in. Tranq snipers are everywhere. There are fucking sentries everywhere.

        Now you may ask, "James, what's in those tranq darts?" Fucking memory killing drugs. How do I know that? I'm building a tolerance to that drug because I was shot with it about 4,672.4 times. I ripped one out before all the drug got to me, but some still knocked me out. I hate these stupid sumbitches and their technology and shit. I hate it. Even Christiana hates it. That's my girlfriend if you couldn't tell. Best ass in all of Espazia.

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