Idk what to call this one, but I have been imprisoned

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Okay, can I have this chapter? CARL, I SWEAR TO FUCK, IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK AT MY BOOK, I WILL CLOUD RAPE YOU, AND DONT EVEN ASK WHAT THAT MEANS. Okay, okay, fuck Carl. I'm sitting in a fucking tank. That tank is in a military transport jet. On a fucking aircraft carrier. At least Evan and Staci are with me, laughing their asses off, because they set me up, because they are greedy mother fuckers, and wanted my 8 quadrillion spud contract. Yes, we pay with potatoes. Fuck off. Now I'm sitting here in this tin can, yes, I love Bowie, think about how I'm going to get out of this. I see a crack in the hull, but then realize that I am sitting behind a force field. Full of tazers. Aimed at me. I FUCKING hate tazers. ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS BREAK INTO A GOD DAMN COMPLEX WITH MY BESTIES, one who I have fucked on multiple occasions, and I get throw in jail. I sit. I pull a rubber ball out of my ass, yes, my ass. I throw it against the wall. I take out my shivs kit and make a diamond plated battle shiv. They never know anything about me. I love keeping to myself. Unless it come to the male ejaculatory secretion out of the male genitalia. Then that shit goes all over. I'll stop. I'm sorry. Staci saunters in and just sits there. Staring at me. That's all she does. I stand up and she tazes me. I smile, break the tazer, and bang her. Hard. Fast. Pleasurable for both of us. She opens the force field, tells me that this wasn't her idea at all, I make out with here, and we become an unstoppable team. Of both destruction and sex. Don't judge me. She throws me my shotgun, I walk out of this huge prison, blow the shit out of it because C4 is the fucking best, and killed Ev, very brutally. I may or may not have saved his ears for a souvenir. I got rid of the debris of the plane and tank and manned the ship. I re-christened it with a bottle of champagne, drank the rest, fucked Staci, and passed out. Sleep deprivation for about 6 days straight sucks dick. Just like Staci.

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