Chapter 28- Yo' Ass Got Caught!

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K A S H ' M E R E

Tre'mayne held me and immediately the tears started back up. I hugged him so tight. It was like when Kai accepted me but with such deeper feelings.

"Thank you so much. " I cried.

He just hugged me tighter and that's all I needed.


After my breakdown, Tre'mayne and I slept. We woke up to Nasir and the twins jumping on the bed and the kids crawling about.

We got up and I made dinner for the multitude. We ate and decided to watch a movie. We were laughing as Madea ran from the zombies and for this moment, we forgot all the shit that had happened today and we were genuinely happy.

After the movie ended, everyone went to sleep except Daniel, Tre'mayne and I. Tre'mayne played with my son as I took a shower. When I came out he walked out of the room, complaining about my baby's "poopy butt". I laughed and went to get dressed. It was rather cold so I put on a blue dolphin onesie and got under the sheets, waiting on Tre'mayne to get back.

I played around on my phone. It was now Sunday, 3 A.M. Tre'mayne came back without Daniel.

" Is he sleep?" I asked.

"Yea, I changed him, fed him and he fell right asleep that's why I took so long," Tre'mayne replied.

"Look at you being all fatherly. I can't wait until he is able to go to the bathroom on his own and Haven too. Thanks for taking care of him for me though," I said.

"You're welcome. Hey did Kendra text you?" Tre'mayne got his phone.

"No why?"

"She texted me saying she was gonna ruin my life. I shrugged it off. I think I already know what she is going to do,"

I chuckled and crawled on top of him. Tre'mayne laughed, upon seeing my attire.

"You're so cute in a onesie!" he laughed.

I laid my head on his chest.

"I look cute in everything." I boased, "My dad is coming later, by the way. Go to sleep."

He kissed my head.


"Don't kiss me..."

"Wha- but I always kiss your forehead!" Tre'mayne argued.

"Shut up." I bit his nipples.

"Ow! Did you just bite my nipples?" He exclaimed pushing me off him.


T R E ' M A Y N E

I woke up, not to bites on my nipple but, to slobby kisses slopped all over my face.

I groaned and fluttered open my eyes to Haven all over my face.

"Mmm morning to you too, Haven." I lifted her off me, giving her kisses myself.

She giggled as I tickled her with kisses. I carried her to the little playpen that was in the room so I could go take care of myself in the bathroom.

After I cleaned up, I picked up Haven and went downstairs with her. Kash'mere was in the kitchen, washing dishes from breakfast.

"Morning," I sat around the island.

"Morning, your breakfast is in the microwave. Gimme' her so I can wash her off," She said, taking Haven from me.

She began crying. Kash'mere gave her a stern look.

"Uh-uh, don't be switching up," She said to her.

I laughed as she did stop crying and Kash'mere went upstairs to wash her off.

"Aye Tre'mayne!" Nasir greeted, going in the microwave for his food then sat around the island with me.

"Wassup' man?" I greeted back.

"So I got two questions," Nasir voiced.

"Run them."

"Yo, I have a game this week. Can you come with Kash'mere? I know you love basketball so it shouldn't be too much of a bother right?" He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Yea sure. I think I can. If nothing comes up, I will tell you though."

"Okay thanks man. Next question, lemme draw a little closer..." He indeed came closer, " So are you and my big sister a thing? "

"Thing as in?" I teased.

"Thing as in boyfriend and girlfriend, kiss, sex-"

"Woah! Hol' up. What the hell do you know about sex?" I asked, amused.

"What do you mean what do I know? What don't I know?" He replied.

I sat back.

"Does your sister know you going around having sex?"

"No but I barely do, well, I dont do it now. My girl and I don't have sex, she wants to be celibate until marriage and I respect that."

"Sh't man! You're too young to be talking like this!" I exclaimed, amused.

What is wrong with these kids? I fear for the upcoming generation.

"And you're too old? Now back to my question, are you and my sister a thing?"

" We're getting there."

Kash'mere came in the kitchen.

"You guys do remember the weird thing about this house right?" Kash'mere asked.

We scrunched our eyebrows up. What?

"The fact I can go in the kid's bathroom and hear whatever is going on in the kitchen?" She hinted.

Nasir look defeated.

"Oh sh't!" I laughed, "Boy yo' ass caught!"

Kash'mere took a seat.

"So what is this I hear about you and sex?"


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