Chapter 3- Social

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T R E ' M A Y N E

When I saw one of the best dancers at Romania, I was truly surprised. She looked different and younger but it couldn't hide the fact she was Ka$h or should I say Kash'mere? I was completely floored when I saw the man who stood behind her. She had some real nerve.

"Oh and their bosses too?" I added.

"What?" Grandma voiced.

Kash'mere cleared her throat.

"I was a dancer at Romania but I stopped doing that now. Yes, this used to be my boss because he's the owner of the club but as you can see we've moved past that now. Hey, I would rather not get into the story, so let me just leave." She tried to study me which caused me to smirk.


"No dear. It is okay, I don't expect you to. You can help with them with the set up, don't mind my grandson, he is miserable." Grandma scowled at me.

What was Grandma doing? I don't like this girl. People like her were never up to any good.

"Ok." Kash'mere fiddled with her cardigan.

"Kai, I will show you somewhere to keep the kids. Be nice Tre'mayne." Grandma said with a stern look.

I rolled my eyes and walked out with the dishes.

K A S H ' M E R E

I honestly was surprised with Tre'mayne. No one knew me outside the club except close friends and I was sure as hell Tre'mayne and I were not and could never be even acquaintances.

He's a real ass.

He had me thinking though... did people know who I was outside of my job? That would definitely not be good. I am not belittling the job  but it wasn't what I wanted to do in life. However, stuff happened at the green age of fifteen, life stopped for me.

I can't be thinking of that stuff right now.

I was going to follow Tre'mayne  but his friend stopped me. I looked at him, confused and prepared for the same dirty attitude.

"Hi. I am Ty. Sorry about him, he has issues." Ty introduced.

I gave him a small smile. He was lighter than Tre'mayne and had a more baby face. He sported a fade with healthy curls on top of his head.

"Kash'mere and it's obvious. I don't like him,"I said, honestly.

"A lot of people don't and he could not give any f'ks so it makes no sense going at it with him. Come on." 

 I followed Ty, my face clearly showing my displeasure.

About three other guys and a girl were there setting up. When Tre'mayne saw me, he rolled his eyes but I gave him a smile cause the f'k was he on. He looked at me disgusted and turned away then I took the opportunity to roll my eyes.


"Hey guys, this is Kash'mere. She will be helping us. Be nice or you will have to deal with Julie." Ty announced.

Everyone sounded their greetings except Tre'mayne who scoffed and the girl, who I might add was clinging on to him for dear life.

I looked around for anything to do but everyone seemed fine so I just sat down on a swing bench, watching.

"Hey, Kash'mere right?" I looked up to see a hazel-eyed boy.

"Yea, hi." I scooted over to provide space for him. He smiled with a deep indentation of dimples. Cute.

KA$H'MEREWhere stories live. Discover now