Welcome to FlowerFell

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I looked around me. There were yellow flowers on the floor, wait why am I here again, I didn't reset (italics are Frisks thoughts) I stood up and saw that my right arm had a cut on it. I walked foreword and saw Flowey. "Howdy friend I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower" he said 'Its me Frisk, don't you remember me' I signed.

"What do you mean remember you, I've never met you but you... you have to get out of here now." he said scared

'I can't leave.' I signed

"Ok well I know my way around the ruins so I guess I can lead you through them. Ok?" He said as I shook my head yes. I put him in a old boot that I found and picked him up. We got through the puzzles when

"oh what a pathetic little child." A familiar voice says, Toriel or Goat Mom walks out wearing a red and black dress walked out from the shadows.

"Hello my child I am Toriel, follow me to my house." Goat Mom said and I followed.

"Frisk this isn't a good idea!!" Flowey whispered in my ear. We made it Goat Mom's house and she wrapped my cut with bandages. Goat Mom asked me if I was allergic to any foods. I shook my head no, she grumbled as she walked into the kitchen. I went to the room that she told me about and sat down on the bed.
"Hey Frisk how did you get all of those scares on your face, neck and legs?" Flowey asked and I just looked down. I ran down the stairs and saved, past a few froggits and whimsun.

I fell, "My child why did you run. Oh you want to leave, you will die before even leaving the Ruins. Prove to me that you can take care of yourself!" Goat Mom said as I was dragged into a fight.

I pressed [act] then [talk] 'I don't want to fight you' I signed

"Fight or run away!!" Goat Mom says blasting me with a fire ball, knocking me down to 1hp. I try to dodge but she hit me. All I see is darkness and all I feel is pain. Mom why... Then I died, I woke up where I saved with Flowey, I just walked on. I fought Goat Mom again and again and again. About the 15th time that I died I noticed about 15 flowers in my hair. What the heck

"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you, when you die and come back a flower grows on you." he says. I look over and see a pot with a little crack in it. I put Flowey in the pot and put him on my head. After about 37 deaths later, I couldn't see out of my left eye. Seven more deaths later I walk up to Goat Mom and hug her.
"M- m- mom" I said

"You called me mom... okay my child you may go. Just be careful and please don't come back." Goat Mom said surprised. I could feel her looking at the flowers that went around my head like a crown, covering my left eye. The flowers almost covered my right eye about three or two more deaths and I would be blind. I grab a stick and open the door to the Underground carrying Flowey in his pot. Hey wait that's the log that Sans steps on. I can't wait to see him, wait he told he not to come back if we were friends. He will probably be mad at me.

A pain in my right eye startled me,
I put my hand over my right eye and it hurt a little less "Frisk are you ok?" Flowey asked and I shook my head no as I took my hand off of my eye. We kept going, I stepped over the log and went to the gate that is supposed to keep humans out.

I heard the twig snap and "H E Y D O N T Y O U K N O W H O W T O G R E A T A N E W F R I E N D ?" I heard Sans ask I turned around and felt a pain in my stomach "bye kiddo" I heard him say as I fell into the darkness. I woke up right outside of the Ruins door. One more death and I would go blind.

[59 deaths, 59 flowers]

I got up and just ran jumping over the log and through the gate. I ran and ran and then ran right into Papyrus. I looked at him, he was wearing his red cape but his battle armor was black and red just like Sans outfit

"Oh who do we have here. Oh it's a human, well I guess it's time to die." Papyrus said. I fell to the ground, memories flooding back. I BELIVE IN YOU HUMAN!! YOU CAN DO BETTER!!, "What the hell is wrong with you human?" Papyrus asked me.

"Hey boss what's wrong with the kid?" Sans asked
"Never mind that Pet just kill the human ok. I have no time for this I'm leaving." Papyrus said as Sans hit me with his attack.

"See ya later

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