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I looked all around me there was nothing. "Hello Frisk, we meet again. Hahahahaha" a voice said

'Chara? What's going on' I signed looking at them. They were holding a bloody knife, there was a red scarf, pink slippers, a book about snails, a broken red trident, a pair of headphones, a microphone, a lab coat, a blue spear and some yellow petals. I fell to my knees, they had killed everyone.

"Hey kiddo!" A voice said I looked up and saw Sans standing infront of me. A breeze blew through and he turned to dust. I cried hugging flowerfell's jacket.

"Oh poor Frisk. Well guess what no one will hear you. Once I gain control. I will kill everyone that you love and cherish." They said. I broke down, I can't do anything. I can't do anything right. The pain, the memories were just too much. I just want to forget, to take it all back.

"Frisk I can help you, I know what you want. All I need is something from you." Chara said "Your SOUL" They waited for my response but I didn't sign. "Well if you don't give it to me, them I guess that I have to TAKE IT" They grabbed my soul.

•Swap! Chara•

I looked through Frisks bag, there was a locked book, a red scarf, a faded ribbon, a book on sign language that had a note on it, the note said
To The Great Papyrus
This book will help you understand sign language. So that way you can understand me. I know that Sans has been helping you, but with this you can practice in your spare time.
Love, Frisk

"Hey Papyrus, look at this. The Great Papyrus." I said trying to hold back laughter

"Hey this scarf looks just like Sans but red?" Papyrus said holding the scarf.

"Ugh my head!!" a voice said I looked over and saw Frisk laying there. "Ahh what the hell?!" They screamed seeing me.

"Woah calm down Frisk." Pap said as Frisk stood up and ran back to the Ruins. "Oh no Asgore!!" Papyrus said

"Mettaton!" I said as we ran after Frisk.


I ran into the Ruins, my knife materializing in my hand. Chaaaaarrrra ple- please stop stop thi this

"Frisk shut up or I will kill Sans first." I said, that shut them up. I opened up the door to the Ruins. I walked down the hallway and up the stairs. I saw Asgore?, when he saw me he looked scared and happy. I pulled the knife out of my pocket and ran at him. He tried to dodge but I hit him. The hit brought him down to four HP. I hit him again, he turned to dust. I started shaking and crying, as I started losing control Frisk no WHEN WERE YOU EVER IN CONTROL!! I gained control and went on killing every single monster. I saw that pathetic Papyrus and the Smiley Trash bag. I put the knife in my pocket.

"Hello Papyrus, Sans and... who are you? I said looking at the kid that looked like me.

"Um I'm Chara, don't you remember Frisk." The kid said

"C-chara is th-that you." a voice said "Oh hello Asriel or well Flowey. Got a soul yet, yea didn't think so. Stay. Out. Of. My. Way. Got it or do you need a reminder of what will happen." I told Flowey doong my creepy face.

"WAIT TWO HUMANS NAMED CHARA!!?" The very energetic but still annoying Smiley Trash bag said as I pulled out my knife I walked towards the [Fight] button. I could feel Frisk trying to stop me n

"Hey what are you doing with that" Papyrus said as I slashed at Sans, his HP went down to 0.

"SANS!" Papyrus and other Chara said. *N- NO SANNNNN- NNNNS

I tried to hold back Frisks tears that threatened to spill at any time. I ran off to Alphyus, Undyne and Mettaton. I ran into Snowdin, I saw Asriel instead of MK. I didn't care I killed him anyways *Wh why Chaaaaarrrra

"Because I can. And I don't want the fun to end." I said.

-Time Skip cause I'm lazy-

I killed Alphyus, Undyne and Nabstablook, apparently everything in this world is swapped. Frisk had stoped talking I wonder why.

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