The Creator, The Destroyer and Someone New

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"HeY FRIsk!" Error said

"Mommy who is Frisk?" Jammy asked

"Frisk sweetie come here." I said

'Inky, Error. Where are you guys.' Frisk signed and Error used his blue strings to grab there hand and lead them over here.

"Ohhh my goodness Frisk sweetie what in the multiverse happened to you!?" I said

"Umm... hi hello so who are you three?" Flowerfell Flowey said

"Oh HEllO my NAme is ErROr, thiS is My HUsbanD inKY anD OUr soN PaPPErJaM" Error said as his voice glitches.

'Son? PaperJam? Husband!? You two have a lot to explain!" Frisk signed with a little giggle.

"Hi I'm PaperJam but you can call me Jammy or PJ! Your cute, but your flower crown fell over your eyes." Jammy said giggling

"Yea that's not a crown. They grew on Frisks face." Flowerfell Sans explained and showed me the journal. I looked at Frisk and there face had became white and they just stood there. Frisk fell over but Error caught them

"FfrISK H-HEy fRiSk buDdy?" Error said his voice majorly glitching because he was panicked.

"Error sweetie just calm down breath. Let's get Frisk and Flowey somewhere safe for now." I said


I stood there watching what was happening I couldn't do anything. I couldn't speak or move. Chara was laying there dead and I was standing there with a bloody knife.

"Well well well if it isn't the demon child. Where's your protection, by the way way where is Frisk." Sans said his eye glowing blue

"I don't know ya lazybones oh wait you think that I killed someone don't you, oh my god that's hilarious. Frisk would have my head literally." Chara said seriously

"Wait you seriously don't know where they are. No nonononononono ASRIEL!!" Chara screamed

"Its Flowey. What do you want?" Flowey said as he popped up

"Where is Frisssssskkkkkkkkk!" Chara said as Sans lifted her up and pulled out his Gaster Blaster.

"Hey put me down. You don't want Frisk coming back and seeing that there Dunkle killed me." Chara said as Sans chuckled and Gaster Blastered them.

"Get dunked on Dirty Brother Killer" Sans said
"C-Chara?!" Flowey said

"arrrrrggggggghhhhh" I cried out but no one heard me. Chara has half of my soul so that half shattering hurt my soul. 
I sat up and heard whispering

"what do we do they have been like that for two hours." Ink whispered I tried to move but it hurt I whimpered.

"InKY i THInk thAt thEY aRe awAKe." Error said
'Inky can you take me, Sans and Flowey to the barrier?' I signed

"ok come here Fell, Flowey, Frisk." He said grabbing my hand and helping me up. I heard a *swosh* sound and guessed that we were at the barrier.

'Flowey ARE you on my shoulder?' I signed
"Yes Frisk." He said and I whispered my plan to him
"Frisk that is suicide! Frisk you are insane it could kill you!! That is too crazy even for you!!" Flowey said as I shook my head no.
'I have seen it be done before, now where are they.' I signed

"okay it's your choice Frisk. They are in front of you." Flowey said getting off of my shoulder. I pulled my soul out and felt the half that I had it had a few cracks in it so I put

"Oh my god Frisk your soul!" Ink said

"Sweetheart what are you doing! Sweetheart! Please don't we can find another way!!" Sans yelled but I was too busy getting the souls out. I felt a pain in my chest.

'Sans can you help me.' I signed.

"Sure sweetheart." He said a he took my hand. "Ohhh my god sweetheart you are turning to flowers!" He said as he picked me up. I felt the barrier so I pulled out the souls and pushed them forward.

"Sans, smile for me. Ok." I signed

"Sure sweetheart. Knock knock." He said 'Who's there?'
"Flower" 'Flower who?' "Flower you today, Sweetheart."

•3rd Person•

The barrier was broken, but Frisk was fading away. "Mommy what's wrong with Frisk?" PJ asked Ink

"Jammy Frisk will be fine they saved this timeline, so they are going to another one. The people here will remover them." Ink explained.

"Oh Sweetheart" Sans said as he kissed Frisks forehead
'Sans, smile for me ok' Frisk signed with a smile.
"FriSk! Are you alright" Error said forcing his voice to not glitch. But Frisk had already faded leaving Flowey and a single buttercup.

"Sweetheart?" Sans said

But Nobody Came

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