Chapter 25

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Third Person's (P. O. V)

No one in the room wanted to answer Y/N question not because they don't want to but because they don't want him to worry about anything else.

Y/N parents and Camila and Lauren who grudgingly look at Chrissy to explain the situation knowing the brunette is the closest one to Y/N this past months.

Chrissy took a breath knowing she is gonna need it. "Babe.. " Lauren and Camila cringe at the pet name but chose to ignore it for now. "You can still walk ok? You were in a coma for a some time so walking again it's gonna take some time to get use to. "

Y/N breathe out a sigh of relief but immediately tense again.

"How...long was I in a.. coma? " Y/N could see everybody avoiding his gaze and pretending not to hear his question or plainly ignoring it.

Each second that past Y/N was becoming more impatient with the silence that was around him especially when no one answered his question.

Y/N close his eyes and took deep breaths trying to calm the anger that is building up inside of him.

Yeah like ignoring me is gonna make me stop. Y/N thought.

Y/N kept asking and asking but to no avail his parents and 2/5 ex girlfriends even Chrissy finds a way to change the subject.

OK, maybe I underestimated them. Y/N thought.

Y/N was brought out of his thoughts by his worst nightmare.

"And you should always wear a cond-" Before Y/N father could finish his discussion a pillow was thrown across his face.

"Father! " Y/N does not even know how a simple question about how long he was in a coma for turn into... safety when having fun.

Y/N could not bring his eyes to look at Camila, Lauren, and Chrissy after what his father told them.

And I thought mother was embarrassing. Y/N thought.

The sound of the girls laughter rang out through Y/N room did not help the blush rushing through his cheeks.

Y/N could hear his parents talking to the girls like nothing happen earlier. As if no guns were draw. As if nobody's life was threaten. As if Chrissy was not shaking in fear, now talking to Camren and my parents as if nothing happen. As if my parents never reveal Cami killing someone.

Y/N could feel his anger rising and rising like a wave.

He could feel them keeping secrets from him as if he was a kid who couldn't handle the truth. As if he was made out of glass that one wrong move he'll break.

How can you break me when I was already broken to begin with. Y/N thought.

While Y/N was lost in dreamland. His parents, 2/5 ex girlfriends, and undecided best friend or girlfriend were talking and laughing about a joke Camila made.

"I've got another one. " Camila said after everybody was done laughing with her last joke. "Why did the mama duck sat on the egg? " Everybody look at Camila waiting for the answer.

"Why? "Lauren ask curiously. In Lauren's whole friendship with Camila she never heard of this joke.

"Because it was an egg. " Camila said. Everybody started to laugh at the horrible joke, heck it didn't make sense but despite how horrible it was it made good amusement for Chrissy, Lauren,  and Y/N's parents.

Camila took a bow. "Thank you, thank you. Y'all are to kind. "

Y/N slowly stood at his two feet but it felt like moving rocks heavy big gigantic rocks.

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