(2) Death and all its friends

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This is chapter two of the story, again, first story on Wattpad, criticism appreciated as long as it helps me make my story better. PLEASE comment! Even if it's just with a better title name. I need all the help I can get!!


January 1st 2011

The five teens huddled together, shuddering violently; when asked later, they swore it was the cold. The reality was that Royal Grange was an eerie place to be on a dark night. The wind howled and hissed through the trees menacingly. This was a scene fitting for any horror film and Sara James knew the next words that would slip from her best friend's mouth would be a direct challenge.

"Wanna go inside."

Jack Taylor. Troublemaker. Sara's childhood friend and worst nightmare, at four months older than her, the arrival of his thirteenth birthday in three weeks was all he seemed to talk about. Jack Taylor, town poster boy. With his perfect white teeth and wavy brown hair that he supposedly never "bothered with" (Despite Sara waiting over an hour every morning before school for him to get all of the cowlicks perfectly arranged) he was everybody's favourite, and he knew it - he also loved manipulating people and knew there was no way Sara could back out of this challenge with her dignity intact. Fixing his piercing jade eyes to hers, he issued the challenge.

"Or are you scared?"

Holding her head up high, Sara marched into the building. The others followed behind, muttering and sending admiring glances her way until Jack glared at them. As she walked into the hallway she heard giggles begin from behind her. Spinning around she saw the entrance just in time to see Jack slamming the door closed.


Too late. Sara slumped to the floor and cried. Some time later, when she had run out of tears, she raised her head and stood up. There had to be another exit out of this place. Creeping along this place, she saw that Royal Grange was nowhere near as nice on the inside as its pretentious exterior suggested. The tasteful wallpaper was peeling off the walls, coated in a black mildew and dripping filthy water onto the damp carpets, which themselves were coated in a layer of scum. The expensive furniture was smothered in a cocoon of dust. Nowadays, it was little more than a monument to how easily things can fall apart.

Sara's father in particular hated the Grange, campaigning many times for it to be removed from the fields next to the village. Each time the request was denied. Warned many times to stay away from the strange, beautiful, building, Sara had longed to one day be exactly where she was now. She hadn't imagined that it would be anything like this.


Sara felt cold as she realised someone - or something - else was in the building with her.


Sara turned swiftly, but nothing was there.


A small shower of plaster fell on her shoulder and she looked up. Something malevolent was in the room directly above her, and in a flash of intuition Sara knew that if she didn't get out of this house quickly she was going to die.


If I have time I'll try and get the next chapter up by tomorrow or the day after - no promises though!


Death and all Its friends (Vampire Romance)Where stories live. Discover now