Chapter 3

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Hi, it is me. Back at last. =) This story is definately gonna be low on my list of priorities right now - with exams and all, and no-one actually commenting or reviewing. I'll keep uploading though, in the hope at least one person enjoys my story. :/ So, here it is...


Running along the corridor she forced the door at the end open, she heard the thumping noise become quicker, more urgent, as someone pounded down the stairs on the other end of the hallway, finally the door burst open, and she stumbled into an even grimier section of the building, the floor littered with grimy scattered pots and pans. Stumbling through the utensils on the stone flags, she pushed open yet another door to find the kitchen. The footsteps had faded away in the opposite direction, towards where she had entered the building, and Sara sat down opposite a filthy old mirror as she felt a tear trickle down her cheek. Idly picking at the edges she read the words Damian Black, 1981, the light that shines dark burns eternally

"What does that even mean?" she muttered angrily. Sara knew she was in danger in this house, but she couldn't really bring herself to care. Lethargy was drifting in on her mind like a fog, and she could do nothing about it. When she awoke, she had lost all track of time, her eyes were swollen form the crying and she knew she must look a mess. She knew by now that her parents must be worried about her, and hoped to god that Jack would get in trouble for all of this. BIG trouble. Pulling on all her will, she internally composed herself, moulding her determination until it was a solid thing, it filled her mind - leaving no room for doubt. She WOULD get out of here! Pulling herself to her feet, she walked forward, memories of her grandfather's horrific tales floating around in her head, she lurched into the next room.

{I used to love this place too you know...}

The words appeared in her mind, but they weren't hers. Other voices were slipping into her head now, and at last Sara heard the tales that the villagers had kept hidden from both her, and hundreds of children, for over 50 years...

Jan 1st 1981

8:30 AM

The man smiled up fondly at his youngest child.

"Oi! Get down, now!"

Sighing, Tobias motioned for Richard to climb down. At forty years of age, his dark-blond hair was swept backwards into a neat style, his features chiselled like a film star. The imposing woman in the apron ran to him, scowling.

"If his clothes are ruined what WILL the other parents think?" she growled

"Oh COME ON, let him have some fun for once, he's only a kid." Tobias sighed.

WOMEN! Sometimes he wondered why he ever bothered with the constant nagging. After all, there was only so much one man can take! As for Richard, bless him, he couldn't HELP the fact his clothes were to big for his tiny frame, or his unruly hair refusing to accept the existence of a comb! The poor kid lived in the shadow of his smarter, better looking, fitter brother, the twenty one year old Jamie.

"...are you listening to me Tobias?"

Uh oh. Time for some guesswork!

"Yes I was, and I know he shouldn't be climbing the house, but he is only a kid and I thought it would help take his mind off his first day."

Tobias watched as his wife assumed the look of someone who had been struck by lightening. Jeez, it wasn't as if he ignored her. Much. Tobias tried to ignore the spasm of guilt as he thought of how badly he sometimes treated his wife.

"You're right. I guess it's just kinda stressing me out, what with him going to the Grange."

Tobias winced.

"Yeah. I know. We're gonna get through it."

9:15 AM

"Welcome to the Grange," announced the schools new head teacher, fiddling nervously with his stylish thin-rimmed glasses. A braver man than most, he had taken on the difficult job of persuading everyone to return to the building, 22 years after the horrific mass killing of 35 men. Shortly after most of the builders had left, a poisonous gas had seeped out of the walls from nowhere - had killed those remaining behind to finish up. They were found the next morning, faces twisted in agony. Nobody could understand where such a poisonous gas had come from.

"We are honoured to introduce to you our new funder who so generously payed for..."


The screams echoed into the night long after the first one began. The esteemed sponsor rotating around, the white noose around his neck tightening with every spin. On his body were the words "Happy Birthday," written in a red liquid that everyone fervently hoped wasn't blood. Tobias stared with everyone else, as the broken body of the kind, caring old man he had spent so many hours planning with span slowly around...

Sara was wrenched from the nightmare by the sound of weeping. Tentatively walking forwards, she pushed open a small grey door set into the wall on the left. Half expecting a monster to jump out and shriek at her, she walked into the room. Grey. Grey walls, floor, grey dust coating every surface, and amongst it all, the glistening white shape of a boy curled up on the floor. Sara's first thought was that she was in a painting. Every thing about him, from the ruffled hair that was the exact blue-black shade of the ink of her father's favourite pen, to his neatly angled cheekbones and slightly pale skin, was slightly too defined for a young boy, too flawless, almost inhuman. Apart from the dark bruise across his face, and the expression that suggested he was in agony, he looked like an angel. She shifted backwards slightly, trying to force her sluggish feet to move. Ugh. It felt like someone had poured cement in her shoes! The boy's pastel blue eyes snapped open and he scrambled to his knees, glaring at her. Scowling, he tried to frantically rub the tear tracks off his cheeks subtly, and despite herself Sara giggled.

"What?" he snapped.

"Its okay to cry you know, I won't tell." Sara smiled.

The boy sniffed. Sara noticed he looked about the same age as her brother Nile, who turned 15 last month. Maybe slightly younger. She hoped the boy wasn't as much of a jerk as Nile.

"Who asked you if it was okay?" the boy growled. However, rather than intimidate her, the red around his eyes and trembling voice made it hard for Sara not to laugh at his pathetic attempt at macho.

"Do you live in the village? I've never seen you before." Sara asked, subtly changing the subject. Shaking his head, the boy walked towards her slowly. For a while they both stood there awkwardly, until she extended her hand out to him and simply said:

"I'm Sara, want to be friends?"


Right. That is all for now. I'm about six chapters ahead so this was really weird to reread again. :S Honestly, if you could review you would not only make my story better, you would make my day! And even speed up an upload...

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