Forest Fanfiction Joshler

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Tyler Joseph always thought he was an ordinary kid until Tuesday the 24th of November. He went to school that day, even if he hated it. He always asked his parents to be homeschooled but they never wanted him to, they said he needed to be more socialy active and make more friends. He didn't want more friends. He had Josh. Joshua Dun is his best friend. They would spend hours sitting in the forest, singing songs, talking, just being silly. One day in school:

"You coming to the forest again today?" said Josh, looking into Tylers dark brown, nearly black eyes. "Dunno", Tyler replied, still looking at the floor. "Mom says she wants to take me to Dr. Carden again." "Dr. Carden? The psychietrist with the weird hair?" Josh asked with a now darker tone in his voice. "Yes, she says he's going to help me with my anxiety." "Help you with anxiety? You mean shove anti-depressants down your throat?" Josh's voice sounded angry. "Hm, I don't know, maybe it'll..." The school bell rang for 6th period. Josh and Tyler had to go seperate ways. "We'll talk later" Tyler said quickly walking away. "Yea".

After school, Tyler and Josh walked home together. "Ask your mom if you can go to the forest, okay?" Tyler looked into Josh's beautiful eyes before he replied "I'll try." Their ways split up and later that day Tyler asked his mom "Mom can I go meet Josh?" His mom looked up from her newspaper "You know I want you to go to Dr. Carden? You have to meet new people, you're always with Josh."she said, looking annyed "Ugh, i don't need a psychiatrist." he played with his jacket pockets before looking up and yelling in a way he never yelled before "There's nothing wrong with me! I don't need anyone to help me!" He got up and stormed out of the door into the forest "Tyler wait!" his mom shouted after him.

"Whats wrong?" asked Josh with a worried look. "'s just, my mom thinks I'm crazy. I'm not." "I know, Tyler." They looked into eachothers eyes, slowly leaning forward, before theire lips gently touched. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, Josh!" Tyler ran of into the woods. He started crying. Why did he kiss Josh? He knew Josh wasn't gay why did he do that? "Josh hates me...why did I do that?" He said to himself whilst walking back home in the dark. He stayed out in the forest by himself, wondering what to do next..

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