Later that day

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Connie leant against the worktop in the kitchen of the staffroom where she munched on a cheese and pickle sandwich. She hadn't had time for breakfast this morning which was why she was so hungry.

Jacob strutted towards her with a grin on his face. "I can't remember what made me come in here." He thought for a second. "Oh yeah it was this beautiful woman's face." She giggle at his attempt of flirting before he snaked his muscular arms around her small frame.

"Staff nurse masters, can't you see I'm busy right now?" She tried to be professional but Jacob kept nibbling her ear.

"Erm, do you really think eating a cheese and pickle sandwich is more Important than me right now."
"Yes actually, it is way more important right now thank you. So if you will excuse me-"
But Jacob just grabbed the sandwich out of her hand and kissed her full on the mouth. This time she didn't object and instead leant into him even more, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Grace walked up to a boy with messy blonde hair across the playground. He was slightly taller than her and had fallen for Grace ever since they first met back in year 5.
His face lit up as soon as he noticed Grace walking towards him. He was a handsome boy with bright blue eyes which Grace adored. The only problem was, neither of them were brave enough to tell the other how they felt.
"Hey." He smiled down at her.
"Hi, Erm, how did you got on in the Chemistry test?" Neither of the teens could wipe the smiles off their faces whenever they spoke to each other.
"A* what about you?" They were both equally bright kids.
"Me too!" A small silence paused between the pair before Hugo asked her something.
"I was just... I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out this weekend? We could go to the cinema or get a pizza, whatever you want. I mean you don't have to. Or you could come to mine or I could come to yours-"
Grace smiled at his adorable rambling, "Of course, i'd loved to."
"Great." He replied with a smile.

Jacob smiled as he watched Joey dribble around the pitch with the ball, beating the other players with his skills. Training was almost over and Jacob had managed to slip out of work early to watch his son in the last few minutes of training.

Joey got closer to the goal and swung his leg back, "Go on Joe!" Shouted Jacob and the ball smashed the back of the net like a bullet. Joey spun in the air and turned around just like Ronaldo does, which his father chuckled at. All of the other kids bundled Joey as he'd scored the winning goal in the mini tournament they were playing.

The coaches congratulated them and signalled for the end of training and all of the little kids ran towards their parents. Jacob crouched down to pick up Joey and spin him around. "Dad! Did you see it? I scored the winning goal! Did you see it? Did you see it?"
"Yes son, I saw it and I never doubted you for a second. Right, you hungry?" He asked putting Joey down and ruffling his hair.
"Starving!" Jacob laughed at his exaggerated response.
"Come on then, I think there's a pepperoni pizza with your name on it at home."

Dr. Gardner was sat in her office when an email popped up on her screen. She quickly opened it and her jaw dropped when she read what it was about. Never had she felt so angry with her best friend.

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