Hiding something

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The ED was busier than usual this morning. It seemed like everyone was getting injured at the same time and all Jacob wanted to do was sleep.

Elle caught his eye in the far corner of the room. The other person he was trying to avoid was most definitely her. Jacob pretended he hadn't noticed her and hurried off in the opposite direction, fortunately Ethan stopped her in his tracks with a question.

"Staff Nurse Masters, RTC in 5 get to resus asap please." He sighed, as Connie called him from behind. Her tone was icy and professional which nobody likes the sound of.

She knew exactly what she was doing. Jacob had always been a terrible liar and one way or another she would get out what he'd been hiding. Even if that did mean working with him for the rest of the day.

Jacob looked down at his side where a small red patch was beginning to form. Quickly, he covered it up with his hand, checked around him to see if anyone had noticed and turned on his heel, heading towards the nearest toilets.

Jacob had no time to get away, as the RTC had arrived and his name was being demanded by Connie. Crap, Jacob thought to himself, he was really screwed now.

He held a shaky hand to his side, trying to cover it up as casually as possible. It was almost like every step caused him pain and, without realising it, Jacob's hand clutched his side tighter and tighter, desperately trying to ease the burning in some way.

The doors opened when the trolley was pushed through. Jacob followed in behind them, where he came face to face with Connie who was already waiting in Resus. She carried out orders to her staff, but Jacob wasn't listening. As much as he tried, the pain took over and was affecting his concentration.

"Staff Nurse Masters!" She shouted, staring at Jacob who just stood there, still clutching his side. The sound of his professional name brought Jacob back to his senses and he looked up at Connie, who wore a threatening glare on her face.

"Sorry, Mrs. B." He shuffled around trying to figure out what had been asked of him, but his head was pounding so hard that he couldn't think straight.

She watched him closely. His behaviour was completely unusual and Connie knew she had to put her job first before her feelings in this situation. "Right, Jacob get out!" She stung her own emotions when she listened to the harsh tone that came out of her lips, but Connie wasn't going to look sensitive in front of the staff. Besides, she would've done the same thing with any other colleague. The look on Jacob's face was the worst part though. He wore the look of someone who had given up, someone who wasn't Jacob, someone defeated with everything in life.

Jacob searched for anything to stick up for himself, but he couldn't. And what was the point anyway? Connie's expression was so cold that he could've sworn she wouldn't have cared if he was never there at all. Everything was telling him that the love of his life really did hate him now and that was more painful than any other pain coming from his body at that very moment.

He knew how stupid he must've looked and decided to just leave, whipping off his rubber gloves as he went. Connie watched as he walked away. She couldn't keep this up for much longer, yes she was angry, but she still loved him and he certainly still loved her. Although, Connie being Connie she was never going to let him back into her life that easily.

Once leaving Resus, Jacob walked as fast as he could, trying to ignore the pain. He just had to get out of there, desperately needing air, as he struggled to breath again.

Many of his colleagues watched him storm away and gossiped between themselves about what they thought was going on. "I wonder why Jacob's in the dog house then?" Cal dallied around reception with some of the other doctors and nurses.

"I don't know, but it's really affecting him. You should've seen him in Resus. He just stood there and when Connie shouted at him he didn't even say anything then either." Louise gave the others a bit more info, she sounded really concerned herself. The others raised their eyebrows when taking it what she had said. Everyone now knew that something really bad must've happened for Jacob to react like that.

Connie walked out of Resus with a stern look on her face, heading over to the group gossiping around reception. Nobody had noticed Connie approach and were clearly not doing their jobs. "Is there ANY working being done here or are you all just gossiping like a load of school kids?" She gave them all her famous death stare and they soon hurried off back to work. After her rant, Connie walked over to Louise, who was trying her best to look busy. "Louise? Have you seen Jacob?" She asked quietly so that only she could hear.

"Erm, yeah he headed towards the exit about... 5 minutes ago." Connie didn't even thank her, just turned on her heel and headed towards the exit. She had to find Jacob, sooner rather than later.

Jacob leant against the wall outside, in the very spot where he proposed and where he told Connie that he cheated on her. He tried to take deep breaths, but it was just too painful. His hand began to shake above the wound that was causing him so much pain and Jacob winced out loud. He looked around him, deciding it was time to get some help, but it was too late. His head began to swirl and the corners of his eyes began to darken. With dear life he tried his hardest to clutch onto consciousness, getting himself to calm himself down. It was too late, his head spun another time and he crashed onto the hard concrete, just like he did the night before.

Nobody was around to help the poor man who had collapsed on the concrete. A bench hid his lifeless body as a pool of blood began to spread around the back of his head. Things weren't looking good for Jacob and he needed help fast...

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