Chapter 13

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Kuroo woke up earlier than he expected, his alarm hadn't gone off yet, sun was still rising. Yet, Kuroo felt good, he felt as if he rested enough.

He reached for his phone, checking his notifications. He was quite surprised to see messages that were sent at 3 AM.

From: Morisubae

Kuroo laughed quietly, typing a quick response.

He stayed in bed for a few more minutes before crawling out of it and going to the shower. Unlike any other morning Kuroo decided to take a hot shower, for some reason his intuition was telling him that something good was going to happen today.

He felt the hot water run down his skin, he wasn't used to this, but it felt nice. He took his sweet time in the shower before stepping out and wrapping a towel around his waist.

A couple of minutes later he was ready to go, he didn't bother styling his hair, he liked the way it styled itself after he got out of the shower. It would be all messy and a bit curly.
Again,unlike any other morning, he decided to jog a bit. Kuroo found his sweatpants and a t-shirt, and a hoodie, he quietly tip-toed through the house, trying not to wake his parents up.

He opened the door and felt a cold morning breeze hit him, he could hear the birds chirping around.

Once he locked the door, he started running. His legs felt light, so Kuroo didn't get tired at all, in fact, he felt as if he could run a marathon. He looked at his surroundings, stopping as he saw a familiar figure sitting on a bench.

"Kenma!" Kuroo waved and ran towards him.

"Ah.. Kuroo. You're up early" Kenma said and lifted his head up. Kuroo could never read his facial expressions.

"Yeah, I guess I am, what are you doing here though?" Kuroo asked as he sat down next to the boy.

"I like mornings. I always come here" Kenma answered, his voice seemed genuine.

"Yeah, mornings are beautiful. Say, are you busy today?" Kuroo watched as Kenma turned his head to him, their eyes met and Kuroo's heart skipped a beat. For once Kenma's eyes sparkled.

"No.. I won't be doing anything.." He said. Kuroo smiled widely.

"Then let's go out somewhere! I know you don't like crowded places, so how about a park?" Kuroo suggested. Kenma nodded slowly.


A few hours had passed and once his parents left for work Kuroo finally took his phone and called Yaku.

"Hello??" Yaku spoke.

"Yaku! Wassup?!" Kuroo practically screamed into the phone.

"Wassup!! Dude, I have soooo much  to tell you!" Yaku exclaimed, Kuroo could hear someone grunting in the background,asking Yaku to stop screaming.

"Ok wait.. Lemme go another room... Okay.... Okay, listen. So remember I told you that I have a crush on Lev?" Yaku asked.

"Yeah, I do! How could I forget? You kept rambling about that guy everyday!" Kuroo laughed.

"Okay, so basically, after a weird chain of events he kissed me and Kuroo oh my god, he is like such a good kisser! Not to mention.....a...a...d....w...." Yaku mumbled something.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you" Kuroo knew Yaku was hiding something.

"Kuroo, he lifted me up and pressed me against the wall and we made out, it was the hottest thing ever" Yaku quickly said, breathing heavily.

"Ohoho? Yaku~ you're getting some action" Kuroo laughed and heard Yaku laugh along with him.

"Yeah, anyway, gotta go now! Talk to you later!" Yaku said, Kuroo said his goodbye and hung up the phone. He was happy for Yaku, of course he was.

He was also a bit jealous.

He closed his eyes and the first person who came into his mind was Kenma.

"Kenma, huh?" Kuroo asked himself. Once again, in some magic way, he heard a noise outside. He walked to his window and saw Kenma.

"Yo, you ready to go?" Kuroo asked. Kenma nodded.

"I'll be outside" Kuroo said and grabbed his wallet, he hurried outside as fast as possible, yet, Kenma was already there.

Kuroo thought that spending time with Kenma would be quiet and maybe even a tiny bit boring, boy was he wrong.

"Kuroo... Get off your phone and let's go explore" Kenma said as he took Kuroo's hand and started dragging him somewhere. They were practically alone at the park and Kenma seemed a bit different. He seemed happier.

"Okay,okay!" Kuroo followed him into the woods nearby, Kenma kept checking every tree, trying to find something interesting.

The day seemed to pass rather quickly, the sun started setting and they were walking home.

"Today was so fun!" Kuroo exclaimed, jumping around for no reason.

They soon reached Kenma's house. Kenma turned to Kuroo and looked at him, he had a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Kuroo!" He said and pulled Kuroo into a hug, before running back to his house.

Kuroo stood there for a few minutes before going back to his house. He fell onto his bed and covered his face. A few tears rolled down his cheeks.

"So that's what it's like to be madly in love with someone..." he said to himself, smiling like an idiot.





Me: *goes to a secret room that's been locked for a few months*
Me: *unlocks a cage* c'mon Satan, it's time to go. We have business to do.


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