Chapter 1: My Fault

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Ezra's POV
I can feel the darkness and power seeping through me, the stone cold regret, anger and guilt. As I continue to blame myself for my master blindness and Ahsokas death, I keep getting more powerful with the darkside.
I know it is consuming me. There was nothing I could do about it. My feelings were just to out of control.
I loved the power though, even though I know it's bad. Despite Kanans efforts to protect and draw me away from the darkness, I am now joining it willingly.
I do not believe all that junk Kanan says about the darkside Turning you against everything you care about, but I'm still not going to tell the crew, they wouldn't approve of me using this dark power. They don't understand that I'm doing it to protect them.
...but there is still something telling me not to join, something telling me to fight it. Something telling me to run and turn back before its to late, and for some strange reason I listen.
I start fighting the dark side, even though it is so close to taking over. Too close. I fail.
I scream as new power pours into my body, but once it's over, I feel like a new man. A more powerful man... That's going to do whatever it takes to get revenge. (Jeez Ezra don't be a Maul)

Hera's POV
      I'm in the kitchen eating some space waffles, since Zeb made me try them. 'I really don't understand why he likes these so much, they taste like cardboard... I can make much better waffles then this junk' I thought to myself.
So that's what I decided to do (Zeb kinda did a victory dance, I guess getting me to make waffles was his plan all along) , or at least before Ezra came in the room.
        When Ezra walked in, the room no doubt got colder, you don't even have to be force sensitive to figure that out. Zeb and I both shivered.
   "Morning Ezra!" Zeb and I both say in unison. I smile at them both.
     Zeb smiles back (surprise), but Ezra just keeps a distant stare at the floor. 'Hm I wonder what's up with him'.
     "Want some waffles?" I asked, trying to get the boy to talk. He just nodded and went back to looking at the floor. Strange. Zeb has obviously noticed Ezra's odd behavior too, he started scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
      I set 3 waffles on a plate and put them down on the table where Ezra was sitting. I look closer at Ezra, he seems stressed and like he's trying not to explode. 'I might need to talk to Kanan later about this...' I thought.
      I went to get Zeb some waffles when I noticed Ezra was... Carving? The ones I just gave him? 
       Zeb thanked me for his plated of 16 waffles and I go over to Ezra. I notice that he has cut one waffle into a triangle, like his Sith holocron. He made the second look like an angry face, and the third.... Looked like it had a picture of Darth Maul on it...

'Yep I'm definitely gonna need to talk to Kanan later'

     "Ezra, are you ok...?" I ask softly, assuming I wouldn't get an answer. What he did next shocked me.
     "No! I'm not ok! Nothing is ok! It's my fault Kanan is blind, it's my fault Ahsoka is dead! Everything is my fault! All I do is cause people pain!" He shouted getting up.
     "Ezra is not your-" he cut me off, slapping me. He slapped me?! I'm shocked. Zeb was also shocked, you could tell by the look on his face.
       Ezra looked at his hands like he had just seen a ghost.
      "I'm sorry" Ezra said running out of the room.
     Zeb and I just stared for a moment before giving each other a 'what the heck' glance.

"We need to tell Kanan, I think Ezra's going dark..." I explain, Zeb nods in agreement.
     We can hear a lightsaber slashing against the wall in Ezra's room...

I've got a bad feeling about this...


So this is the first chapter.
Have you ever started writing something then like half way through forget why and what you were writing? Because that's what happened to me while writing this XD
Anyway, what do you think Ezra's Sith name would be?

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