Chapter 3

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The sounds of someone moving around loudly wakes me from my sleep. I open my eyes to see Peter's back to me and he is messing with stuff on his desk.

"Did I wake you love?" He asks, not even turning around. A nasty look grows on my face as I get up from the floor.

"Take me back." I say crossing my arms.

"Back where?" He asks with fake confusion tripping from his voice and raises his eyebrow while turning around to face me.

"My home, where I belong." My voice was solid.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. This is your home now and this is where you belong." He replies crossing his arms and moving his eyebrows. I uncross my arms and walk past Peter to the outside, purposely bumping my shoulder into him. Looking around I see the lost boys sitting around the newly built fire and eating. A little boy no older than 6 walks up to me with a plate in his hands and a big smile plastered on his face.

"Here, I graded this for you." Awe he is so cute. I bend down to his level and gently take the plate.

"Thank you ...."

"Liam, my name is Liam." He says with confidence. My smile grows.

"Well thank you Liam, I'm-"

"Violet, we know who you are." Well that didn't sound creepy.

"Liam that's enough." A voice behind me growls. Liam's smile drops then he quickly walks away. I turn around to see none other than Felix.

"Did you have to be rude?" I ask putting a few berries in my mouth. They tasted very sweet against my tongues but the exciting flavour didn't last as long as I hoped. Felix rolls his eyes at me and walks off. What am I gonna do with these boys?

After everyone was done with their food, the Queen commended it was time for training. All the boys got into groups and went to every station. Of course I didn't have a group and no idea where to go. I seen Felix and two over lost boys taking turns and wrestling each other. Now that's something I might enjoy. I walk over to the station and watch the two boys wrestle each other as Felix laughs and watches.

"You up for a round Felix?" I ask. He looks at me and starts laughing harder. The boys that were wrestling stopped and started laughing too.

"Did I say something?" I put my hands on my hips firmly. Felix puts his hands up and stops laughing.

"Fine, whatever you want princess." Felix puts his club stick then down and walks over to a open area. I follow behind him.

"DON'T call me that." I say firmly. He is NOT calling me that. Nope, not happening. Felix smiles then charges at me. I move quickly and he stumbles but regains his footing. We circle each other, I finally decided to make a move. I take a swing at him and he doges it but I do it gain with the other hand, this one hit him square in the jaw. He spits blood on the ground and looks at me. He charges again and punches me really hard across the face. I fall down and don't have time to get up because Felix climbs on me. I fight against him and some how mange to roll us over. I put my right foot against his right wrist, and my left leg squeezing his left arm into his side. My father taught me a few things just in case. He kicks under me trying to escape. I feel a pain in my leg. I let out a small scream and roll off of Felix. He gets on top of me and pins me.

"Nice try princess." He smirks. I reach down in my pocket and pull out my pocket knife. I open it and swipe across Felix's face, giving him a nasty cut on his right cheek bone. I kick him off and stand up.

"Oops?" I say then start laughing. He gets up and wipes the blood from his cheek only smearing it.

"Your dead!" He shouts and charges at me again. His body meets mine and I laid on the ground. I hear a few cracks that came from my rib cage and intense pain. I let out a scream of pain and Felix pins me down. The wind got knocked out of me and I'm pretty sure I broke a few ribs. I'm wheezing to catch my breath.

"Felix enough." Peter says and walks over to us. Felix looks at me hard then gets up roughly and walks away. I just now noticed all the lost boys gathered around in a large circle and were watching us. Peter bends down and looks at me.

"You-" I don't let him say anything else as I slap him hard across the face. His face is frozen for a few seconds then he smirks and looks at the ground. I get up and brush myself off. The lost boys stare at me with like I'm crazy. Peter gets up, walks beside me and turns to me. He puts his right hand on my face with his pointer finger below my lip and his thumb against my cheek (like in the picture above). He gets close and looks at me. I don't look at him but at Liam who was in the circle of boys.

"You've got fire, I like fire." Peter whispers in my ear, it sends shivers down my spine. He lets his hand fall and puts his arm around my waist.

"Tonight we celebrate!" Peter shouts and in response the lost boys cheer happily. I push Peter's arm off and move away from him. He looks at me, smirks then walks away with the lost boys following him.

What a day.

Authors Note~
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, I ain't prefect 💁🏼
I tried to show more sides of Violet this chapter and I think I failed 😓 the next chapter should be up tonight. I will add more things with her and Peter that show more of Violets background maybe and more of the softer side of Peter.
Thanks again! Also the photos at the top before the chapters, I edited those. Some look good as others look bad, but hey! I try.
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Your Fellow Author,K👐🏼

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