All I can see is the faint outline of the cage's bars and pure darkness. Who knows how long I was in this cage but my legs are cramping so it must have been a while. My stomach growls but I ignore it.
I can't take it anymore! My body turns and twists so my face is up against the cage wall. I shake the bars like a angry monkey. No use.
"Help!" I shout, hoping someone will here me. Hopefully it isn't Pan. I could slit his thirst at a time like this. I slump back against the cage. No point in wasting my voice when no one is gonna hear me.
"Viola?" A small voice asks. I quickly get up and press my body against the side of the cage the voice came from.
"Yes, I'm up here!" I say happy that someone found me, but who was it. I can't see who it is because it's so dark.
"I'm coming." The voice said again. This time I knew who it was. It was Liam.
"Where am I? Why did Pan lock me up in a cage?" Liam came into view and started to unlock it.
"We are in echo cave. Some weird reason the bridge was there." Liam said swinging open the cage door. I hurried out and hugged him.
"Thank you Liam." I said and kissed his head. He laughed and blushed. Awe he is so cute.
"Wait, who did you unlock the cage?" I ask puzzled. He couldn't have busted down the lock, he isn't that strong. He smiles brightly and holds a key in front of my face.
"Stole this from Pan, I don't think he will notice." Liam shrugs. I laugh, I love this kid.
"Let's get out of here." I say and take his small hand in mine.
After escaping echo cave, we decided to hide away somewhere. It's not safe to return back to camp yet. I never noticed till now how dark and depressing this island really is. The sky is always kinda dark no matter what time of day it is, no sun comes out. All the plants either dead or barely alive. Has it always been like this?
Liam found a cave entrance and we both entered together. It was a big cave. I could see potential in this cave.
"If we steal stuff from camp we could turn this cave into something special. We could stay here and not at camp." I suggest and walk around, moving rocks making the area bigger.
"Sounds perfect. I grabbed some food for us." He reached into his bag and laid out the food on a rather flat rock. I guess this is our table.
"Can I ask you something?" I say and finish up my food. He hums in response.
"Has the island always been this dark and depressing?"
"Yes it has, but when you came the island grew....happier and brighter. The sun actually came out for once, more plants and animals are around. We actually laughed and had a good time at Pan's celebration rather than doing the same thing over and over." Liam said with a shrug. Why would the island be changing just because I'm here?
"Why is it changing because of me?"
"Beats me. I think Pan knows and if he knows then Felix does. Felix is Pan's right hand man." Liam informs and yawns.
"You should get some sleep, I'll go to camp and take some stuff." I tell Liam. He nods."Be careful." He says. I smile, kiss his forehead and reply, "always."
I finally made it to camp, for a few minutes I thought I was lost. I peak over a bush to see all the lost boys sound asleep around the fire and Pan's tent illuminated some amount of light. Looking more closely to the tent, I see a silhouette of whom I am guessing is Pan.
I quietly head over to the other direction of camp, where they store the food. I grab a pack and stuff food in it and water, which we in bottles. Seeing extra blankets I grab some. Then I head back to our cave. That task was easy for me. I am a pirate after all, stealing is a piece of cake.
Making it back to the cave, I put all our stuff away neatly and in its new place. Liam was sound asleep on the ground. I feel bad for him, no kid his age should be sleeping on the ground like this and back at camp. I see a rock ledge that is quite large and lay down the blankets and a sleeping bad. Carefully, I pick up Liam and lay him down on the bed. I cover him up which causes him to stir slightly. I smile and pet his head lightly. There is enough room for me too, so I climb up and lay on the outside so he doesn't fall off the ledge. My body is turned towards him and I watch him sleep, not in a creepy way, more like a motherly way. Before I knew it, sleep consumed me.I wake up but refuse to open my eyes, wishing sleep would take over me again. I pat around me searching for Liam. When I didn't feel him my eyes open quickly and I sit up. He isn't there.
"Liam!" I shout and grow worried. What if Pan took him? Oh this isn't good.
"Liam!" I shout again and head out of the cave. I look around frantically. Just as I was about to shout again I feel something tug behind me. I turn and see Liam standing there like a deer caught in headlights.
"Oh Liam. Where have you been! I was worried!" I say and bend down to his level.
"Sorry, I wanted to surprise you. Surprise..." He takes his hand from behind his back and there is a flower crown.
"Awe, thank you Liam. Why a crown?" I ask puzzled. He stands on his tippy toes and puts the crown on my head.
"Because to me you are the Queen of Neverland, the one who is in charge, not Pan." Liam said sweetly. I hug him gently.
"Well thank you, but I'm not no Queen." I laugh.
"Sure you are! You are sweet, caring, beautiful, and you make the lost boys smile. If that's not a queen then I don't know what is." Liam explains and laughs. I laugh along with him.
The Queen of Neverland huh?
Authors Note~
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hoped you enjoyed it!
Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes.
So this chapter we see Liam and Violet bond, it's like a mother and son bond. Which I think is so cute. Next chapter things will get heated and interesting I guess you can say. What do you think will happen? I put more fore shadowing in!
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Your Fellow Author,K👐🏼

Villain Peter Pan/Robbie Kay Fanfic
FanficViolet Jones wasn't your normal teenage girl. She was far from it. Having a pirate has her father, growing up on a ship her whole life and living in a magical world kinda makes a girl far from normal. She loves adventures and sailing the seas wit...