Chapter 6

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   It's been about two days since Liam helped me escape. We have stollen more and more from Pan's camp.
   Do I feel be about it? Nope.
   Should I? Probably.
   The crown Liam gave me still layers on my head. I hardly take it off. Liam has defiantly grown on me. I'm just like his mother. I tell him stories, tuck in him bed every night, and make sure he stays save and healthy.

     "Let's go get some berries." I say and grab a small basket to carry them in. Liam takes it from my hands.

     "I will carry it!" He says excitedly and darts out of the cave. I laugh and follow behind him.

     "Be careful!" I call after him as I come up behind him. We walk to the berry bushes. I immediately start picking and put them in the basket. Liam walks a little further to get more.

   After I think we had enough I stand up and grab the basket. I then realize Liam didn't come back.

     "Liam!" I yell for him. Worry floods throughout my body, making me drop the basket and run where I seen him go. A pile of berries start of the bush grabs my attention. It must have been Liam.

     "Liam!" I yell again. My feet turn my is a 360 degree circle as I focus on my surroundings.

     "Violet!" His small, innocent voice screams which seems to be somewhat far away.

     "Liam! Stay where you are, I'll come and get you!" I reply loudly back and head in the direction of his voice.

     "Please help!" He says through sobbing. His voice seems to be getting farther and farther away.

     "Where are you?!" I ask out loud. No response. This is all my fault. There is only one thing I can do...

   As I'm walking, every step I take seems to get heavier and heavier with regret. I have to go back to camp and tell Pan what happened. If someone else dangerous comes to Neverland we could all be in danger.

   Looking around as I get closer to camp, the plants and sky seems more bright, with a sun shining. I smile to myself, taking in the true beauty of the island.

   I finally get to the camp. It's empty. No lost boys and no Pan. He can teleport can't he and supposedly knows everything that happens to this island right? Another bad and stupid idea comes to my head. Before I can think anymore my mouth speaks for itself, "Pan! I need to talk to you! It's important." If he doesn't show up I'm gonna feel like a major idiot.

     "Ah, there you are love. Thought you may have died." Pan's evil but sexy voice says behind me. I turn quickly to meet his missed dark green eyes. I never knew how much I missed his...STOP VIOLET! This ISN'T the time.

     "Psh, me? Dead? Doubtful." He chuckles in response.

     "So what is it that is so "important"." His tone drenched with annoyance but tipped curiosity.

    "I think someone dangerous has came to Neverland. Someone took Liam." I said remembering his poor, sobbing screams which send shivers down my spine.

     "Yes, I fear someone very dangerous is on Neverland. See his is tall, deviously handsome, I could go on and on about this guy but I don't want to struck you with the details. I fear he has taken Liam." Pan shrugs and looks at me with a smirk. I put everything he said together in my mind.

     "You bloody took him!" I yell and charge at him. He moves and makes a sword appear in his hands. I think about myself having a sword in my hand and before I knew it, one appears in my hand. Woah! Did I just do that? I look at Pan who has the same surprised expression. I snap out of it and charge at him again and swing my sword. He blocks it and pushes me back.

   We continue fighting, blocking each other's attacks. I was growing tired but I couldn't give up.
     "Why did you take him?!" I said angrily. Pan knocks my sword out of my hand. I stand there and freeze, not knowing what to do next. Pan swipes his sword and this time I didn't dodge it. It cuts across my left cheek. I reach up and touch it. When my finger met the cut I hiss in pain and pull back to see blood.

     "One, because he helped you escape. Two, you both stole from me!" He said angrily. Our bodies collide, meeting with the ground. He pins me and looks down at me. I struggle under his grasp but he squeezes my wrists tighter.

     "Why take him and not me!"

     "Because it's fun to see you fall apart, slowly." Pan laughs. I stop struggling seeing it's no use.

     "I remember him pleading for me to let him go..."

     "No..." I say quietly.

     "His tears falling down his cheeks as he whispers you name in need..." Pan continues.

     "No! No!" I repeat and say louder.

     "And how he screamed for you in hope you would save him, but instead you let he down..."

     "No!" I say louder, struggling against his grip again.

    "You failed to save him, now he is at the bottom of Mermaid Lagoon." Pan laughs evilly.

     "Noooooooooo!" I scream really loud. I felt all my anger and sadness build up into that scream, making it even louder. Before my eyes Pan falls off of me and hits a tree behind him. I watch him fall to the ground. My screaming stops.
     'What did I just do?' I ask in my head curiously. My body begins to grow weaker and my eyelids heavier, then everything goes black...

Authors Note~
  Thanks so much for taking the time to reading this and I hoped you enjoyed it!
  Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes.
  Sorry again for not posting in a long time! Plus this chapter is short, and no edited picture for the top! Dang, I'm slackin but don't worry things will pick up.
  So Pan took Liam and drowned him! Plus two odd things happened to Violet... She made a sword appear in her hands AND her scream threw Pan off of her, knocking him out! What do you think is gonna happen next? I didn't do much foreshadowing this chapter much. I was just trying to hurry and update.
Your Fellow Author, K👐🏼


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