Chapter Two : Puzzled

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"Okay, so if we go to this bar I was told that they would be there tonight." Karson spoke, making eye contact Harley as if she was asking if her information was accurate. "And so I have mapped out this place and their a back door, an exit beside the closet bathroom area -- whatever you want to call it," she spoke uncertainly, "and obviously the main exit. The main exit won't always be available for our use considering it is very public, so I will ask Ander to clarify these exits before making plans to show up. What's the point in risking getting caught if we won't be able to do anything?" Karson asks, no one in particular as her eyes scan the circular wooden table.

"Wait... who is suppose to be there?" I ask, getting completely pushed away.

"And what makes you think he can be trusted? I mean, c'mon. If all of that... species is the same, don't you think he is too?" Serena points out, getting an eye roll from Harley.

"No, I think he is different." Karson spoke out, standing up from her seat and laying both hands on the wooden table. "Because if any other male figured out about this operation everyone in this room would be in jail by now. I think he is different and if anyone else would object to this observation they can gladly leave now." Karson glanced at everyone quickly, everyone remaining silent. "Good. I am glad you're all concerned, but he is different and that is that."

Harley tugged Karson back into the seat and pushed her body against the table. "This bar gets really crowded really quickly, considering it's full of pervy-ass men that think because they have money they get what they want." Harley looked at me, "I know you're new at this, but they don't get what they want in this instance. But, back on topic, since it gets really crowded we will have to sneak all victims to the north end. There is an alleyway between the tattoo place and this bar and no one goes down it since it is so dangerous. So, we will be the dangers of it tonight."

"What if there are other dangers in there?" I ask, getting completely pushed away.

"That's insane, if this place gets crowded we will have to find somewhere more secluded than an alley next to it. The police or security... or whatever is there, will obviously be aware of that area and we will have to find somewhere more secluded." Serena continued being the pessimist of the group.

"If you can come up with a better plan, we would all be happy to hear it." Karson spoke before Harley could defend her idea.

"I mean, it's just logic." Serena pulls her phone out and shows her a map. "There is a Pizza Hut across the street that closes at ten. If we can get them there after ten, then it's more secluded, no one would be aware of the crimes happening, and no one would be so suspicious to look in that area. And... it is far enough away where the loud bar wouldn't hear anything that we have to say or do to them and nothing will get directed back to us." Serena said, ending her little lecture with a smirk towards Harley... already knowing she was right.

"That's good. So, Bella, you will be waiting beside the Pizza Hut and do you want to teach Scarlett how to do her job or would you rather her come with us?" Karson continued speaking.

Before Bella could even open her mouth, Harley already did, "How about we take her with us into the bar, get the first one and show her what we do and we can leave her with Bella for the second one."

"Wait, doesn't Bella need to come with us anyway?" Serena asked.

"Right..." Karson began thinking again. "Serena, wait by the back door by the coat area and we will have Bella lead them out there. I will sit at the bar and make sure everything runs smoothly and we will have Scarlett stand with you... and then... Harley can stand with Ander and the bandmates pretending to be his girlfriend so I don't get caught." She said before looking at Harley. "I am more of an obvious murderer than you are." Karson points out.

"Okay, so now that we have this settled... let's go get ready!"

I walk out of my bedroom, that has a complete new wardrobe might I add, in a pair of black shorts riding up my ass and a white tee shirt. I lean against the wall and slide my socks on my feet before entering the kitchen to see Karson in a tight black dress and Harley in a dark red dress. "Can you go to Bella's room and make sure she looks okay? We have to leave soon and she is always the last one ready." Karson asked me with her head tilted to the side. "You can borrow my long black boots. They are in my closet. I am the door farthest back on the right and Bella is the second door on the left."

"Is this... I dunno... read?" I ask, receiving looks as if I was stupid. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant it like... is this a sorority or something? Do I have to run around in my underwear? Wear black or red at all times? Hang out with you guys only? I don't quite get why I am here and why you wanted me here?" I ask with a soft laugh, to ease the questions I have just asked.

"You are here for one reason and one reason only. We as women have always been below the male population because they deemed their lives more important than ours, correct? There are signs all throughout history proving that. From the Greeks, to the Medieval Era, to now. We have always been belittled and our abilities have never been as 'important' as what a man could do." Karson spoke, leaning against the wall. "And we are done being pushed aside and there is a reason we are... more of a reason than being an oven that creates babies. We have a purpose too."

"I... I still don't understand."

"You - we - are here to take back the title. We won't quit until we are on top. We have got to prove our point sometime. My great grandmother started this ganf - not sorority, gang - when she was sixteen. Her father was abusive and her boyfriend was controlling. Both men got in a fight one day and neither made it out alive leaving my grandma Nancy on her own for the first time to taste freedom. She finally saw her purpose in life and that was to free women in her same position. Her and her friends created this gang and it is my responsibility to continue to the tradition... not just for me but for her. I don't want women to be treated like that again. Everyone is here for a reason. I don't want history to repeat itself and I know well enough you don't either."

"I still don't understand why I am here..."

"You are a prime piece to the puzzle we are trying to solve."

"I don't think I fit anywhere necessary."

"All pieces are necessary to create the picture." She explains, not giving me much leeway. "Now please go check on Bella."

And I do just that. I find the door that has her name neatly written on a piece of printing paper and slowly knock. "I am almost done, I promise!" I hear her voice, louder and more scared than I have heard it. I push open the door to make sure she is okay, and see her on her bed lacing her converse up with a black skater dress on and she lets out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were Serena..."

"No... no..." I mumble softly and watch her. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." She answers immediately, too immediately.

"You look like you just saw a ghost." I speak and walk over to her bed, looking around the room to see her dressure broken, some picture frames scattered around the room, her bed unmade, and the floor cracked at the seams. I glance at her to see her shake her head to my statement. "Why are you here?" I ask, seeing as if she didn't have a convincing reason to want to be here.

"We need to go before Karson gets made." She sighs and stands up, avoiding my question.

Why does everyone ignore my questions?

"Uh... yeah... sure." She spoke softly and nodded slowly.  

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