Baratheon King (Rewritten)

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All Arabelle remembered is running. Running from what exactly? Was she running from death, life, bad people? She wasn't sure, but she did come to her senses and finally asked the man

"Where are you taking me and who are you?"  Arabelle demanded refusing to move further. Lucky for them no one was around so he couldn't try and use that as an excuse.

"I'm am Gustus I work for Renly Baratheon he sent me to go save you." Gustus told her confidently too confidently.

"Why didn't he go for my other sisters?" She was truly confused at why Renly didn't go for the others. Arabelle guessed if Renly could return her safe for a little while she will follow. He didn't answer about her sisters though

The man only continued to ride. Arabelle suddenly felt lonely. She had just lost her father. The rest of her family was in the North. Meanwhile her sisters were in the South with the Lannister's. Arabelle sighed knowing Sansa was too marry Joffrey.

A nudge was felt against her hand as she glanced down and saw Autumn. It made her feel a tad bit better knowing her direwolf was still alive and with her.

As they rode up to a camp. There are so many Baratheon soldiers but sadly not enough. If only they would help Arabelle avenge her father.

"Gustus welcome back did you get her?" she heard Renly asked Arabelle took off some hood covering her face to reveal herself.

"Arabella my apologies I will avenge your father when I take Kings Landing!" he roared as his people cheered.

"Thank you Renly but how do I know I will be save here?" She was truly confused on how she would be safe here.

"Gustus will protect you he is one of my best fighters." He said pointing to Gustus she looked at him. Arabelle never noticed how big he was not as big as the Mountain though. Surely he was strong also he could protect her.

"Well I will let you guys get to know each other." then Renly walked off

"No need to thank me Ari." he said like he knew exactly what she was going to say.

"Well I don't listen a lot so thank you and only my little brother calls me Ari." then she walked off to try and find some place to just sit.

Running was heard behind her. To which she assumed was Gustus. It could be Autumn but she was already next to her. "My lady please at least let me show you where your tent is." he pleaded with her. Arabelle nodded and followed the man to where she'd be staying.

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