Big Heels for a Big Night

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Thought I'd show off the cute outfit I'm wearing under jakobchychrun 's jersey 💃🏽#stingwillwin #6isdecent #GOLONDONKNIGHTS

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Thought I'd show off the cute outfit I'm wearing under jakobchychrun 's jersey 💃🏽#stingwillwin #6isdecent #GOLONDONKNIGHTS

As our names were being called as the 'special guests to drop the pucks' I started to really regret my decision of foot ware. Yes, of course there was a cute yellow carpet over the ice so we didn't go all baby Bambi, but still, I was nervous as hell. They were very tall heels. Very very cute, but very tall.

"Matty, what if I fall!?" I said, grabbing my brother's arm.
"Yeah O, that was such a bad decision." He laughed looking at my shoe choice.

He noticed the pout on my lips and the worry in my eyes. "Don't worry O, just hold on to me. I won't let ya fall in front of everyone." He chuckled again but held out his arm, waiting for me to wrap mine around it.

We were each handed a puck with a mean looking bee on it. Or maybe it was a wasp. All I know is that it was for the home team and was costumed made since we came to do the puck drop. To be honest, it makes you feel like a pretty big deal.

"Alright guys! They're gonna announce you one by one, starting with Lori, then Matthew, then Olivia. Lori, you'll walk to the middle of the yellow carpet and stop to wait for these two. Then they'll say something like 'Gove them a warm Sarnia Sting welcome!'. Then you'll all walk to the end together, the two captains will come up to the end of the carpet. You'll take s couple pictures, drop the pucks, shake the captains' hands, wave to the crowd and then we'll meet back here where someone will escort you to your box upstairs." The GM said quickly.
Okay Olivia, you can do this. Just smile and don't focus on the fact that you won't have Matt to help you walk. No biggie! You just might fall flat on your face.

This should be interesting...

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