Two Days Later

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Alison's POV

I inhaled the smell of vanilla scented candles as I readjusted my position on the wooden pew. Father Lantom was giving a speech about something but I wasn't paying attention. My eyes were stuck on the silver canister holding Grotto's ashes while I zoned out a little. I replayed what happened that night at the warehouse. All the things that went wrong. I could've acted sooner. But what would that have done? What could I have done, honestly?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So why do I feel so guilty? A squeeze of my hand caught my attention and I snapped back to reality, turning my head to look at Matt. He was sitting directly to my right. The whole service, he held my hand for support and I practically clung to his arm for stability. "Service is over," he said, causing me to look up. Father Lantom seemed to have just finished. I nodded and Matt sighed. "You okay?"

"How would I be okay with any of this?" I ask, rhetorically.

He nodded in understanding and I dropped his hand to stand. Karen stood from the other side of Matt and walked over to me. She held out her arms and I walked into them, returning her hug. "Hang in there, okay?" she said, quietly. "If you wanna talk...if you need someone, I'm here."

I stepped back and gave the biggest smile I could manage—and it was pretty small. "Thank you, Karen. Same here." She nodded once and started making her way to the exit. Foggy stood and I turned back to Matt. He stood and turned to face me. "Can I ask you something?" he asked, lightly.

I nodded once. "Sure."

"On the roof, when we fought the Dogs of Hell...Dani said you wanted her not to hurt The Punisher," he recalled. I quickly twisted to see behind me. Foggy had moved toward the front of the church and was now talking to Karen by the door. I turned back to Matt just as he continued. "I know Dani wasn't lying. Knowing firsthand what we're dealing with, why would you ask her not to do that?"

He didn't sound angry or anything—and for that I was thankful—he just seemed genuinely curious. Either way I play this he'll be suspicious. So I'll just tell the truth. Well, most of it. "The man is obviously troubled. After what happened to him, he needs more help than just a boot to the face," I explained, calmly. "What kind of people would we be if we just threw him in jail and ignored that?"

"But you disagree with his methods, don't you?" he asked, obviously seeking reaffirmation.

I sighed, nodding. "The killing, I could do without, yeah."

"I thought so. I just...this whole thing's got me rethinking what side we're all on, you know?" he vented, exhaling, like it'd been a weight lifted from his shoulders. He paused a moment, thinking. Then he looked up at me with a closed-mouthed smile and held out his elbow. "Walk you out?"

"Alright, I guess I can let it slide this once," I nodded, hooking my arm with his.

Even in the dreary mood of the morning he still managed to crack a bit of a chuckle. We went outside along with Foggy and Karen. I had to lie and say I was going to get things for the Café and I wouldn't be able to take passengers, just to make sure no one could carpool. In all honesty, I wasn't going too incredibly far. But the others decided to take a cab to the office anyway so I was in the clear.

I got in my car and drove straight to an address written on a small piece of torn, folded paper in my jacket pocket. I'd never been to this particular part of Hell's Kitchen. But it wasn't that hard to find. I pulled up next to a large open alley area and cut the engine. I glanced around. I briefly wondered if this was the right place, but then I noticed that a van was parked parallel to me several yards to my right. Yep, this was the right place.

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