Broken Arrows

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Dani's POV

Since even before Mary died, I've been trying to call Matt and have him answer. And every time, without fail, I get his voice mail. You'd think he was at least getting the messages I'm leaving. He must know that I'm calling him. On one of those messages, I even apologized for snapping at him. And, still, nothing!

As much as I don't want to, I know that Alison and Foggy are right. We can't do this with Frank, alone. We can't save him. But Matt might be able to. If he'll come. I left the court house and went straight to Matt's. Therefore, I'm still stuck in heels and a pantsuit. Joy.

I walked up the stairs and to Matt's door. I knocked with a huff and then waited. Nothing. I knocked again and then dug in my pocket for my key. Most girlfriends would put the key to their boyfriend's house on a chain around their neck. I'm not most girlfriends. I had just gotten the key out when the door swung open. But it wasn't Matt who was greeting me. "Stick," I practically spit it out, shocked to see him here but not really.

"Have we met before?" he asked.

"The sound of disdain in my voice doesn't ring a bell?" I scoffed. "You're probably too old to remember."

"Ah. You're the naive one."

"I thought you said all of his girlfriends were naïve?"

"True," he nodded.

I rolled my eyes. "Is Matt here?" He turned and walked inside. I followed, closing the door. "What's your name?" he asked.

"What's yours?"

"Huh," he sighed. "I like you."

"Don't insult me like that." We stepped out into the main room. Stick continued, headed for the master. He rolled the door open saying, "You've got company." He turned and walked out into the living room. I stepped up to the door frame and looked in. Matt was just standing feet from the edge of the bed, Elektra laying in it. I crossed my arms and leaned into the door frame. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Dani..." Matt said.

"Well, don't sound surprised to see me. After all, I've only called you a hundred times." I could tell he knew I was mad. And I was. I was livid. And, I was glad. When he thinks I'm mad, he starts to squirm. And I take more pleasure in that than I probably should.

"This isn't what it looks like-"

"No, I know, Matt. That's the one thing I know you wouldn't do to me." I pushed off the door frame and then walked across the living room. "Dani, wait." I stopped and turned around. Matt was right behind me. "The next words out of your mouth better be the truth," I said, stopping him before he could speak. "Yeah, what happened to not lying, telling each other the truth? Or did that promise expire when she showed up?"

"No," he scoffed.

"Then what's your reason?" I crossed my arms. "Try to be as truthful as possible, Matt, I can't hear your heart beat." He clenched his jaw, slightly sliding it to the side. I heard Stick chuckle. I pointed at him, "You, shut up." I looked back at Matt.

"Can we talk about this another time?"

"Um..." I pretended to think and then gave a firm, "No." He looked annoyed. "I've been trying to talk to you for the last week, which has been the worst one in my life. Have you gotten any of my messages?"

"Yes, and I planned on calling you-"

"But, Elektra had something better in mind," I mocked. "Glad to know where I rank these days."

"Dani, what...what do you want me to say?"

"How about the reason why you felt you had to lie to me about Elektra? For starters."

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