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Dani's POV

"Yeah, don't know what she did to it," I spoke into the phone. "But it's totaled."

"What was she doing?" Alison asked from the other end. Mary and I were walking down the street. We were on our way home. But we had to get a cab, which was hard. Weird for New York. We decided to walk until we got one. "She was driving down the road," I said, "it hit something that blew the tire and then slammed into a pole."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine." Mary was motioning for the phone. "Just a sec." I handed it to her. She gladly took it. "Hey," she said. "How's Elizabeth?....And she ate just fine?....Good....Yeah, I'm fine....I can work all day, if you need me too....Sounds good....Tell her I love her....Okay, bye." She handed the phone back as a cab pulled up. We waved it down. It pulled up in front of us.

"Yeah, we just got a cab," I told Alison. Mary opened the door and then slid in. "Oh, you'll be happy to know, Castle took the deal." I got into the cab as Mary was rattling off the address to the driver. "I can tell you the details when I get home. Pour Foggy, we left him there alone."

"Where's Matt?"

I scoffed. "With his tramp," I said. There was pure silence on the other end. "I'll tell you about that, too." I looked ahead at the road. I like to keep track of where I am. My eyes slightly passed the driver before going back to my lap. Alison was talking, but I couldn't hear her. My adrenaline had spiked and it was all I could do to keep from showing it. It can't be. I've got to be wrong.

I casually looked out my window for a two blocks and then glance back up front. I looked on the passenger's side. My eyes made sure to catch a glimpse of the rear view mirror. I went back to staring out my window. I pretended to still be engaged in the conversation. A shiver ran up my spin. It's him.

I'd recognize his eyes anyway. It's Ward. He's driving the cab. This was no accident. Mary got a flat on purpose. We couldn't find a cab on purpose. Coulson was right. And now Ward wants me. Alison was still babbling, I don't know what about. "Okay, slow down, you're rambling again. You know I can't understand you when you do that."

She paused. "Dani?"

"Yeah, we should be home-" I stretched to pretend like I was looking for where we were at. I was really looking to see it he was armed. I sat back. "Oh, about ten minutes." He wasn't from what I could see. "Hey, have you heard from Matt, he said he wasn't feeling too good, earlier?" That was our cue. Ask if a loved one is feeling better.

"Does he have a gun?"

"Oh, he's not? That's too bad. Does he need anything?"

"Do you have any idea where Matt is right now?" she asked.

"No, but I can call him." I leaned toward Mary. "Can I use your phone? Alison can't get a hold of Matt." She quickly pulled out her phone and dialed the number. Then gave it to me. It rang and then went to voice mail. So I left a message: "Hey, Matt, it's Dani. When you get this can you give Alison a call? She wants to make sure you're fine. Thanks, bye." I hung up and gave it back to Mary. She and I shared a glance.

She knows the code, too. And that wasn't Matt I called. It was Clint. I know it'll take him a while to get here, but if we go missing it'd be nice to know he was looking for us. I put my phone back up to my ear. "Sorry, Aly. He didn't answer. I'd keep trying though. Don't bother with Foggy, he doesn't know anything. I have to go, we should be about there."

Mary was trying to keep calm next to me. This has never happened before, but she knows how to follow the rules. "I don't know what to do. I don't know if Matt will answer."

Hell's Angel: Devil's Backbone (BK 2)Where stories live. Discover now