Fear and Darkness

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I feel as though I am to run

Or if I am to be trapped

Trapped within the person whom I am wanted to be

The real me

The one only a few really know

Is the me that only knows fear and darkness

But who am I really?

I have always tried to figure that out

Only to fall back into my imagination

Something I am never to escape

I have been curse by that of a demon

One who lives within myself

Even if only a few know of them

My true colors

Why can't I hide the horns?

My eyes shone grey

But now shine red

My destiny seems crimson now

So why am I considered what dwells within me

Why am I called a demon?

I don't cause pain

I don't cause sorrow

I haven't done anything wrong

So why is my destiny stained a bright crimson

I have no craving for bloodshed

No longing for death


Or depression

When all I have to fall back upon is fear and darkness

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