Chapter Three

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I lowered my head and bit my bottom lip. It was my first day and these boys were preferably my friends. Jacob must have noticed because his hands cupped my face. "Hey, did I say something wrong?"  He asked.

I did my best in giving a reassuring smile. "Nothing. You didn't." I replied. His hand left my cheeks and I lifted my head, looking around. Confusion etched the boys' faces. "You don't have to answer," Cole said to me and nodded gratefully.

The bell rang, signaling lunch was over. We got up and threw our trash before exiting the cafeteria. We went separate ways and I, of course, ending up with Jacob. The similar process repeated until school ended.

I walked out the school and went to Shawn's car. Sadly, he wasn't there. I waited a few minutes before calling him.

"Hey, Shawn. Where are you? I've been waiting by your freaking car." I purposely made myself sounded mad.

"Hell." He cussed. I could hear noises of him jogging and bumping into people. "Sis, I'm sorry. I totally forgot to tell you."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What is it," I asked.

"I'm meeting the coach today and probably train a bit." He replied as the sound of him closing the locker rang into my phone.

I sighed, knowing where it would be heading. "You can't drive me home, aren't you?"

"Yeah." He answered. "I'm sorry. You can ask your new friends to drive you home, right?"

I pursed my lips. Asking one of the boys to send me home? I won't think that is a nice idea on my first day. Still, I would give it a shot. "I'll try," I said. "But, if they can't I'll stay over at school."

"Okay. Got to go. Love you, sis. And I'm sorry once more."

"Bye." I hollered and ended the call.

I returned into the building and went straight to Jacob's locker. Good thing I remembered and it wasn't really far from mine.

I was in luck. Jacob and the boys were there. I walked up to them hesitantly. "Hey." I greeted, smiling meekly. They glanced at me and grinned. "Hey, Brooke." Cole replied. "Do you need anything?"

I couldn't help, but fiddling with my thumbs. "I need a lift home." I mumbled, just clear enough for them to listen. They arched their eyebrows. "Uh. If you guys can't, it's okay." I added quickly.

Jacob chuckled and stepped towards me. "Come on, I'll give you a ride." My eyes widened. "Really?" He nodded and slung his arm over my shoulders. "Yeah, let's go." He said and pulled me along with him outside.

He led me to a bunch of fancy cars. "So, which one is yours?" I asked. He smirked and pointed at one of them. Bulletshit. It's a black Chevrolet Corvette. I sent him a disbelieving look with my jaw dropped opened. "Please close your mouth, Brooke." He winked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes, but got in after him. I enjoyed the comfortable silence along the ride. Jacob seemed to be fine too. At one point, he decided to turn the radio on. Let You Go by The Chainsmokers ft. Great Good Fine Ok came.

Jacob grinned cheekily and I mirrored him. Every beat boomed inside his car till we reached my driveway. "Thanks, Jake." I offered him a kiss on the cheek. Before I could pull away, he grabbed my face and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"See you, babe." He winked as I got out his car. "Two can play the game, hun." I retorted and blew him a kiss. He chuckled whilst I closed the door. He sent me another flirty wink, then drove away.

I sighed contently. None a thing went wrong on my first day. As soon as I stepped into the, the smell of pasta wafted around the air. "Mm." I smirked and made my way to the kitchen. Jason was serving two plates of spaghetti onto our four person maple wood dining table.

"Hi, sis." He greeted. "I guess Shawn isn't the person who dropped you." I nodded and took my seat on the opposite of his.

"I asked a new friend for a lift." I said.

"A boy or a girl?" He asked, arching his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Both." I joked. He shot me a weird look. "Nah, a boy actually."

"Mhmm." He hummed warily and eyed me hard. I groaned and shoved a mouthful of spaghetti into my mouth.

"So, do you found any attractive guys?" I choked onto my food. Jason's gotta be kidding me. He knew my new school is filled with hot jocks and he still asks me. Wait, did I said jocks are hot? Well, nevermind. It's the truth and I can't deny it.

"Jas, I rather eat a shopping cart full of ice cream tubs than go out with any of them for a date." He shrugged nonchalantly and continued to eat. After lunch, he went back to his office while I was left alone at home.

Doing nothing sucks. Therefore, I did my homework. Too diligent? Let me gag on that. The night ended and came the following day arrived. It went on the same process and I'll tell a fact. It's school. What else can I say?

I'm sorry if this chapter is badly wrote. I really apologize for that. But, don't let down on me yet. I'd set up interesting chapters to be update soon.

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