Several years later...
"There has been more appearances of the Akatsuki lately," Gaara remarked over dinner with his siblings. Temari and Kankuro were relieved to see their little brother slowly regaining a healthy body again. Akimi and a nurse-in-training made sure to keep an eye on Gaara's health during strenuous weeks. Tea was always at hand in the corner of his office, and Akimi had someone deliver fresh fruit to the over-worked Kazekage.
"Yeah, I got two reports from scouting captains in the Leaf," Kankuro agreed.
"That two reports too many," Temari added. "We need to be on guard. There's no telling what might happen."
"Especially since someone got pregnant~" Kankuro teased, only for Temari to hit his head. "Why did you do that?"
"Aki may be pregnant, but from what I've heard from her direct superior, she's more deadly nowadays," Temari warned. "Hormones?"
"No, just more poison-making than usual," said pregnant girl, waltzing into the room. "My sister wrote me a letter of a glorious ingredient I have yet to find. Ah, I can't wait!" Akimi squealed. "I want to discover every possibility to use that--"
"Akimi, please calm down. Have you eaten yet?" Gaara's sand wrapped around Akimi's waist gently, pulling her towards the table. "Don't skip meals either."
"I had a late fruit and cracker snack along with tea, so I'm not particularly hungry. I'll have lunch later," was the reply. "How was the food?" Kankuro eagerly gave a full-description of the food, much to everyone's amusement.
"I'm a growing boy!"
"I'm sure you are," Akimi grinned, patting her husband's hair.
That evening, Gaara looked pleadingly over at Akimi who was taking her precious time to write a neat letter to her cousin. "I'm cold, Aki." He most certainly did not whine.
"I know. Hang on~" Akimi replied, amused at his discomfort. Even if Gaara slept fewer hours than a normal human being, he couldn't get comfortable unless he had someone to "protect" throughout the rest of the night. He wasn't going to ask Temari, otherwise she'll treat him like a little boy. Kankuro was definitely off the list, but since he has a wife, why not have her instead?
Lord Kazekage sighed and shut his eyes, listening to the scratch of the pen on paper. Minutes later, he heard his wife approach the bed and crawl under the covers. "I'm here, snuggle bug."
"Finally." He tucked her in his embrace and watched her sink into a comfortable position.
"Hey, let go for a moment. I want to turn around." He loosened his grip and let her protruding belly turn until her back was snug against his chest.
"You good?"
"Yup." He rested his chin on her head, listening to her breathing even out. In and out. In and out. In and out.
He watched his wife sleep for a few hours before he finally dozed off comfortably for a short rest.
Old habits die hard.
Suna's Ninja (Gaara Love Story)
FanfictionAkimi has returned from Totsuki Institute, and it's been two years since she's secretly confessed to Gaara. With some surprises of a new citizenship and a new relationship, Akimi discovers a new world of possibilities (preferably with a handsome red...