Chapter 1 {edited}

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"Oh my God! It's so beautiful! Thank you so much!" The bride thanked her hairdresser delightfully

The bride was in a trance looking at herself on the mirror that she forgot she had to pay.
"Ah yes! I need to pay, right? It must be really expensive!" She ran over to her expensive purse and pulled out thousands of money out.

(Name) glanced at the money and thought about it.

"Actually, you don't have to. It's your special day after all." She spoke slow and gentle just like her brother, Louis.
The bride looked taken aback but gave a bright grin.

"Really? Oh thank you! You're too kind!" She placed all the money back in her bag and slung it on her shoulder.

She hurriedly walked towards the entrance of the salon before turning around and hugging the small hairdresser.
"People need to be like you in this world." She smiled and walked out of the salon before entering a limo.

(Name) turned around and gave a happy sigh.

"Seeing them happy makes me happy, Lou-nii." (Name) stated as she walked towards him and sat down.

Louis side glanced at her and gave a soft smile. "I'm glad."
They both looked back at the TV watching a random channel in comforting silence.
"Praise me." Louis chuckled at how adorable she was acting.

"I'm proud of you."
"I feel motivated now."

Ema's POV~
After feeling sick, my new brothers forced me to sit in bed and rest.

"I'm sorry for troubling you, I'm fine now." I reassured Masaomi and heard Tsubaki yell from outside my room.

"(Name)! You're back! Give me a hug!"

"Tsu-nii! Your hug always suffocate me-ack!"

I looked at Masaomi with a confused expression.
"Ah, she's our sister." I wondered why he smiled so warmly mentioning her.

'Father didn't mention her..'
"Masa-nii, I'm ho~o~me! I didn't hurt myself Toda-who's this?" Her big (Eye color)-colored eyes stared back at me with confusion.

Masaomi went closer putting his arm around her shoulders pulling her in tightly.
'They seem close.'

They started talking to each other completely forgetting about me. I decided to observe the girl before me.
She wore a white sundress with a denim jacket on top, and she wore white sneakers. She's short with a petite body and pale skin. She also had ashy brown hair.

"Ah! Before I forget, meet our new edition to our family, Ema." Masaomi smiled warmly to her as she looked between the two of us.

She broke out with a bright grin. It felt like flowers were pouring out of her.
"That's amazing!" I'm (Name), Louis's sister nice to meet you! " She bowed down and brought herself up.
'Who's Louis?'
"Ah! My brother is taking his time coming here, he's just really lazy."
I nodded andwas going to pull myself out of the bed but she quickly stopped me.

" You don't have to, take your rest." She smiled at me and I nodded absent-mindedly.

"I'm Ema, Nice to meet you too, (Name)-san."

"Just call me (Name) or Nee-san! Hehe!" She chuckled as she looked down at the watch on her wrist.

"Ah! Masa-nii, I have to go for Fuuto's concert!" She went through her shoulder bag making sure she didn't leave anything behind.

"I'm sorry!" Masaomi smiled and gently patted her shoulder.
"It's okay, just be careful out there." He bent down pulling her into a hug.
They pulled away smiling at each other.
"Okay! Bye Ema!" She gave a small wave as she went out of the door.

Masaomi's smile lowered a bit as he sighed lightly. He was staring at my door like he was tranced by it.

"Hey Masaomi-san, what does (Name) work as?" He didn't reply.
"Ermm Masaomi-san?" He blinked repeatedly and looked around.
"Ah, sorry, I'm just worried for her she's always clumsy." He gave a light chuckle at the end.

"Oh about your question, she works as a hairdresser near our house." He ruffled his hair. He seemed very worried about her.

'Something's suspicious here about her..'

"I'm sorry, if you don't mind, is it alright if I go out for abit?" He gave a weary side smile and I couldn't but nod for the poor man.

"It's okay, I guess." He thanked me and went out. I sighed.
'What's it about her?'

Third POV~

(Name) quickly arrived at the studio nearby and started already working with Fuuto.

Fuuto was sat in front of vanity of the studio watching his sister bring out various hair accessories.

She got a comb and started combing it on his hair. She also sprayed water to untangle some parts of his hair.
Fuuto closed his eyes feeling calm and comforted at his sister's touch. He felt his heart speed up with happiness and excitement.

(Name) brought out a cream that makes perfect curls when the hair dries up. She opened the lid scooping the cream and rubbed it on both of her hands.

"Are you ready?" She giggled as Fuuto let out a noise for a response.
She ran her fingers through his hair multiple times causing Fuuto to shiver in pleasure. It just felt so nice and relaxing.
His eyes were starting to feel heavy, but he couldn't take a nap when he has a concert in a few minutes, can he?

"You're making me sleepy, Nee-san!" He complained.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" (Name) giggled while she scooped up more cream and massaged it onto his head.

"Mhmmmm."  She grabbed a comb and went in front of him. She combed down his bangs that covered his eyes.

"When these curl up its gonna look so good, Fuuto." (Name) was grinning happily. She loved doing her job and it's all because of Louis. Louis always did her hair and (Name) loved it when it was relaxing. She was inspired to do the same to others.

"Okay, all done!" Fuuto fluttered his eyes open shocked at how fast his hair dried up.
"That was fast." He stated as he looked at the mirror in different angles.

"You know what suits you better?" (Name) squatted down right in front of his face.
Fuuto felt his face turn warm at the closeness.

(Name) reached out and ruffled his hair gently.
"Wah-! You just ruined your work!"
"A messy look looks nice on you, Fuuto.And it's okay, I can always do it everytime, don't you like that?" (Name) smiled a closed eye smile and Fuuto couldnt help but blush more.

'My Nee-san is so pretty..'

"Hm? Why are you so red?" She poked his cheeks as he panicked internally.
He slapped her hand away and grumbled under his breath.
"Because of you.." (Name) didn't hear what he said as she continued on.
"It's okay, I can always treat you!" She chuckled as she stood up dusting her clothes.

"You're gonna do great, Fuuto! I believe in you!"

I don't know how hairdressers work lmao

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