Chapter 20: Festival.

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(Name)'s POV~

"Pft.." I laughed at Kaname's poster.

"Haha!" I clutched my stomach from laughing too hard.

"Imouto, that really hurts my feelings!" Kaname pouted crossing his arms.

"But, are you going to come?"

"Of course! B-because of the poster! Hah!" I held the poster tightly to my chest with a smile.

"Of course! B-because of the poster! Hah!" I held the poster tightly to my chest with a smile

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"I also want to go to Yatsugatake for the first time!" Kaname leaned closer to me.

"And pass into Nirvana Together." He whispered and I titled my head confusingly.

"What does Nirvana mean..?" I mumbled to myself confusingly.

"Acting like some male companion in spite of being a clergyman.." behind Kana-nii was Ukyo-nii who was holding a frying pan with a dark aura.


"It is obscene!"

"Ouch, that must hurt.." I rubbed my head like I was the one being hit.

"Now now, This is basically like a summer festival, right?"

"I want to go!" Wataru raised his hand excitedly.

"well, if you want to go lets sleep early okay?" I stood up and I held Wataru's hand.

"Goodnight Everybody!" They all muttered their goodnights and I went upstairs with Wataru.

"Eh? Is Nee-chan going to sleep with me?" Wataru asked his eyes widening.

"Then why we going to our room? your so silly!" I bend down and poked his nose.

"Yay!" He quickly ran to his bed and jumped on it.

"Nee-Chan! Nee-Chan! Sleep here!" I smiled at him and sat on his bed.

"I can't sleep when you're jumping around, calm down." He nodded and layed down.

I pulled the blue patterned blanket closer to him and gave him his blue plushie.

I slipped myself into the covers and muttered a goodnight.

I was facing Wataru's back and Wataru was facing the wall.

I closed my eyes almost falling asleep.
But what awoke me was shuffling.

"What's wrong Wataru? You can't sleep?" I whispered to him.

He turned to me hugging his blue rabbit plushie.

"Is Ema bullying you, Nee-san?" I gasped.

"Is that why you left, Nee-san?" He began to tear up.

"Wataru no, don't cry." I hugged him and wiped his tears.

"No I didn't leave because of Ema, I left because I was doing a job for someone. Not because of Ema.Its okay." I smiled and ruffled his hair.

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