Chapter 8: Headaches and Wedding {edited}

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(Name)'s POV

I flipped and turned around in my bed. The sheets were constricting my movement. The familiar pain is brought back again and I am reminded by yesterday's events.

"Ugh! I mistook apple juice for beer one again!" I sighed before turning around and looking up to my ceiling.

"What day is it today?" I asked myself, trying to remember what Ukyo said.
'The wedding is coming soon..' His voice echoed inside my head before dispersing away.
"Soon..? Ah! The wedding is today isn't it?!" I fly off of my bed and onto my wardrobe. I pull out the dress Hikaru and I bought together and placed it on the handle. It was a short, strapless, white dress that reaches above my knees. It had cute ruffles on the top.
I smiled in reminscend since the dress gave some good fun memories.

An idea had popped into my head, and if I wanted it to work I have to go to Louis. I quickly zoomed out of my room turning lefts and rights before stopping in front of his door, panting. I took a final breath and entered his room.

"Nii-san! We have taken the responsibility to make everybody pretty!" I exclaimed with determination. Sparkles were emitting out of my form.
Louis was sitting on his spining chair, the back of it was facing me.

"I'm lazy." He responded, turning his chair around with a lazy smile plastered on his face.

"W-what?! No!"

"I'm lazy, Imouto. And I know you know that you're lazy too." He sighed.

"I'm not lazy!"
"(Name) if you're gonna start bickering-"

"-you will not give me sweets, I know that Nii-san!"

"Alright, then come in and give me hug!" He raised his arms for a hug and I dove in.

"Hmph." He rubbed his face on the nape of my neck.

"T-that tickles, Nii-san!" I giggle before pulling away with a smile.

"Do you want me to do your hair?" He gave a small smile and I nodded excitedly.
"I really love it when you do my hair, Nii-san!" I sat on the ground.
"Yeah yeah, I know."

After doing my hair, I went back to my room to put on my dress.
It looked very cute.
And of course, I helped fixing up my siblings!



"Imouto, are you ready to come out?" I heard Kaname ask from behind the door.
I stare at the medicine on my counter before biting my lips.
'I shouldn't make him wait.'

I sighed, turned around, and walked towards the door. I put on my usual smile and opened the door.
" Oh hey! You ready to go?" He kept glancing around the room as he spoke.
"Mhm." He then glanced down to me and smiled.
"Oh my! You're just so adorable, (Name)!" He bent down to squeeze my cheeks. I place my hands on his wrists trying to pull them away.
"Hehe! K-kana-nii! I'm not a k-kid-hehe!" He lets go and pats my head.

"I can't help myself! Also, don't you think the dress is a little short?" He held my hand as we walked down the stairs.

"Hikaru said it looks fine!" I beamed as I skipped down the steps and finally touched the flat ground.

"Hikaru, huh?"


Once we arrived, Ema suggested to meet Mom and Dad. And so we did. We were right in front of the door that led to them. I smiled a bit as we pushed the door open, bright light started spilling through blinding me.

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