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Life Status: Living

Physical Attributes: When in human form, werewolves are distinctive by their eyes, which are usually yellow, amber, or orange, and have slit shaped pupils; due to their animalistic night vision, their eyes glow in the dark. Their wolf form is larger than that of a normal wolf, and the fur and eye color matches the hair and eye color of their human form. The claws and fangs are also much longer and sharper than those of an ordinary wolf.

Survival Needs: Werewolves are carnivorous. Their metabolism works similarly to humans, in that they need about the same amount of food. They can eat the meat of animals or humans (and, although cannibalism is greatly frowned upon, each other). Whether raw or cooked is a matter of preference.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Werewolves can shift between their human and wolf forms at will. In their wolf form they can enter a sort of berserk state in which they feel no pain, making them very fierce fighters.
All their senses are somewhat enhanced, and they can see in the dark.
However, all werewolves suffer from a great fear of fire that borders on irrational terror or a phobia.
They can be killed in the same way as humans.

Society: Werewolves live in packs, which are ruled by a chieftain, who has proved him or herself to be the strongest. There are currently four recognized packs (names to be determined- I'm open to suggestions). Werewolf packs tend to migrate with the food supply; they often live in the  few remaining forests as animal prey are most abundant there.
In the past werewolves were known to keep vampire slaves for their tracking abilities. However, this law was recently overturned when the vampires were victorious in the Endgame.

Other: Werewolves almost never mate with other species out of their supreme loyalty to their packs. The child of a werewolf will be a werewolf.
Contrary to legend, lycanthropy is hereditary. Werewolves cannot 'turn' anyone.

 Werewolves cannot 'turn' anyone

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