Chapter 4- Shit is getting real..

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Readers pov:

You woke up smiling until you remembered it was Monday. You hated Monday it was the day your mom killed herself that day will forever scar you. Plus you had to deal with the fake bitches and the douchebag guys at school except Kyle, Kenny, and Stan. Every Monday was show and tell which you hated because nobody gives a fuck what things you own. You woke up doing your winged eyeliner and looking like a complete potato today.

"Come on (Y/N) were going to miss the bus because of you" Stan growls.

"Stan I need to do my makeup I'm almost done calm the fuck down" You growl back.

"You don't need makeup your a beautiful girl" Stan says looking pissed off as usual.

"Aww thanks but I actually do" You pat his head and smile.

We then arrive at the bus stop Cartman is there going on about his new toy or some stupid shit you weren't paying attention because you couldn't care fucking less.

"Hey (Y/N) did you get my texts?" Kyle asks he looks at you and you both smile and laugh.

"Yeah I did that was so stupid of ike" You both laugh.

"Um excuse me stupid cunt I was talking about my new robo doll" Cartman rolls his eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry but cartman none of us really give a shit so just stop talking" You smile and kyle laughs and high fives you.

"Actually that's not true Kenny you cared right?" Cartman asked him.

"No fuck that dude" Kenny says in his Parka.

The bus just then arrived. You sat next to Kyle talking about nature it was really fun then you arrived at school and Wendy welcomed you.

"Hi bitch" She gave you the nasty eye.

"Hi Wendy you don't scare me like you scare everyone else" You laugh at how pathetic she is.

"Oh honey I'm not trying to scare you I'm just saying hello" She smiles still giving me the nasty eye.

"What I said to you Wendy is called a joke don't get mad at me because you can't take one" You explained to her.

"What you said was mean and really hurtful Stan and I think you were way out of line" She explained to you.

"And what you weren't, Wendy your making this a big deal drop it ok? I'm over it so you should be over it to" You slam your locker shut and try to walk away from her until she stops you.

"You think I'm going to let you off easy well think again bitch" She says and punches you in the nose and makes it bleed.

You look her in the face feeling angry and upset. Words couldn't come out of your mouth you were terrified it was like 3rd grade all over again you ran out of the school crying.  You didn't like to fight people it was wrong for you. Her punching you in the face brought back really awful memories. Just then Kyle runs over to you.

"(Y/N) Are you alright?" He sits down next to you.

"Why are people so cruel?" You look at him in the face tears running down your face.

"I have no idea, Look what Wendy did to you was really awful Stan broke up with her" Kyle said looking down towards the ground.

"Stan did what? He didn't have to do that" You cried even more at that thought.

"Yes he did Wendy did this to you now your terrified to walk back into that school and I know it" Kyle said.

"My life has been terrifying Kyle forever nothing has really changed" You wiped your tears and laughed.

"So are we going to class or you want to stay out here and talk for a little more" He said looking at you.

"Lets go to class I wanna see what cartman has for show and tell" You laugh.

"Probably a picture of butters dick in his mouth" Your both now laughing.

You both go back inside it turns out that everybody basically has the same thing that stupid ass robo doll and you didn't bring anything since you didn't know what to bring. Wendy kept looking at you at the end of class she pulls you to the side saying she needs to talk to you.

"Look I'm sorry for the way I behaved" Wendy said looking down at the ground not even looking sorry.

"Wendy your not sorry your only saying this to me now because Stan left you" You say to her rolling your eyes.

"Why did you make such a scene making me look bad?" She said pissed off.

"Because Wendy that's what you get for being a fucking bitch! you had no fucking right to punch me in the nose you could have reasoned with me but instead you choice to fight because your a stupid bitch" You shout to her.

"I'm not stupid you shouldn't have told me to kill myself" She says pissed off.

"Wendy your fucking president of the school! A leader It's your job to lead the school into the right direction what you did to me was not leading the school to peace only to hate your a role model to the younger students the choices you make will reflect on the students for being a fucking president you should respect your peers and not be stupid" You reply pissed off.

"What are you going to do about it? Want to ruin my life even more you probably have it easy so you want to ruin my life for your own pleasurement" Wendy says looking like she wants to cry but you don't feel sorry for her.

"Wendy I don't feel sorry for you you are pathetic a selfish bitch and only do things for yourself people actually look up to you and for what? Lets be like wendy a stupid bitch who always needs to get her way and make others feel bad and push them down to get to the top you have no idea who I am and why I'm here so if I were you I would stay out of my way before shit gets crazy don't talk to me ever again or you will learn the hard way" You say pushing into her leaving her as she cries alone but you don't even fucking care.

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